The uke is annoying but not for the simple reason of fight

MiniMean December 26, 2023 4:46 am

Yes violence creates violence but guess what being a coward doesn’t stop violence, looking the other way doesn’t stop violence, letting yourself get beat up, trafficked and/or r*ped doesn’t stop the violence———this type of thinking is why the uke is annoying. Not because he didn’t want the guy to fight but because all the previous actions and his way of thinking is annoying better yet it’s cowardice. And let’s be real here the uke is also being prejudice towards the seme because he is a tiger/carnivore. He has yet to even try to be in the shoes of the seme vs the sème who has tried and even apologized when he was wrong. Too many of y’all are excusing cowardice, prejudice and incompetency.

Edit: Yes the Leopard gang is the ultimate bad guys, but the uke has been getting on my nerves and this chapter solidified it. If you look at the previous chapters the uke was so quick to have only negative prejudice towards the seme. The uke is very closed minded, he’s just not being outright rude is why y’all excusing his behavior.

    Yaya December 26, 2023 12:17 am

    But he never said not being violent towards the gang members would make things dandy. His perspective is just that things will get WORSE (not bad. Worse.) If they try it. Given their speech, seems they tried fighting back once and things got worse. Uke is not being annoying for being conditioned by other ppl into thinking if they dont do stuff, things will be bad, but not as bad as if they fight back. The fault lies in the gang.

    MiniMean December 26, 2023 12:53 am
    But he never said not being violent towards the gang members would make things dandy. His perspective is just that things will get WORSE (not bad. Worse.) If they try it. Given their speech, seems they tried fi... Yaya

    But the uke was against violence even before the seme came back and before the kidnapping incident. Being conditioned gives leave way but doesn’t completely excuse the behavior. Childhood trauma can cause an adult to say cruel things when angry, doesn’t excuse the behavior. And no one saying the leopard gang ain’t bad but yet again you’re covering for the uke’s cowardice and prejudice towards the seme; and his incompetence with him not once truly trying to understand him as person/carnivore.

    Yaya December 26, 2023 4:56 am

    About ur edit: well, if he had only bad experiences with mafious, carnivorous dudes, ofc he would hold prejudice about the dude. With a banal example, it is like asking someone who knows how cruel things can be in fashion courses not only because it is common sense but because they experienced it to not consider every fashion course bad

    Yaya December 26, 2023 4:58 am
    But the uke was against violence even before the seme came back and before the kidnapping incident. Being conditioned gives leave way but doesn’t completely excuse the behavior. Childhood trauma can cause an ... MiniMean

    But I never said it was only after seme came back? Even if seme wasnt in the picture, his behavior is understandable and you didnt just compare fearing having violent stuff happening to u because u reacted back to an unstable adult with anger issues lmao

    Yaya December 26, 2023 5:02 am
    But I never said it was only after seme came back? Even if seme wasnt in the picture, his behavior is understandable and you didnt just compare fearing having violent stuff happening to u because u reacted back... Yaya

    Defense mechanisms have a reason to be called that. If uke sees another way to have a better solution and still keeps that mentality, then we do have a problem, but so far, being violent doesnt seem to be helping his case much and hence why he is trying to keep low profile.

    MiniMean December 26, 2023 8:53 am
    Defense mechanisms have a reason to be called that. If uke sees another way to have a better solution and still keeps that mentality, then we do have a problem, but so far, being violent doesnt seem to be helpi... Yaya

    His defense mechanism is him keeping low profile—is leaveway, it still makes him a coward because that’s way he is choosing. You taking the fall and others know you taking the fall doesn’t make it any better just because you don’t get a potential blowback situation. His prejudice doesn’t get a pass either. He wasn’t even judging him for being a mafia until after the fact. He’s been judging him from the because he was a carnivore. He didn’t have a bad past with carnivores, he doesn’t even try to put himself in the seme NOT ONCE, every time seme is already negatively judging him then having a “oh/ sigh of relief” moment once the seme does the opposite. Uke is lazy, he is the type person who’s always judging and naggy but barely/never be supportive. No matter how you’re trying to slice it, he not completely innocent, not non annoying,& not non incompetent.

    MiniMean December 26, 2023 8:58 am
    But I never said it was only after seme came back? Even if seme wasnt in the picture, his behavior is understandable and you didnt just compare fearing having violent stuff happening to u because u reacted back... Yaya

    Also I used an example as to say trauma doesn’t excuse everything/ cover for mistakes/behavior——which was the point since you brought up trauma. If that example made you confused, I’ll say it again without the example. Your trauma doesn’t excuse rude or sh*tty behavior. The uke having *possible* trauma doesn’t excuse the prejudice, that he has been constantly thinking and some cases acting on. Trauma doesn’t exempt you from being called out on.

    Yaya December 26, 2023 2:03 pm
    His defense mechanism is him keeping low profile—is leaveway, it still makes him a coward because that’s way he is choosing. You taking the fall and others know you taking the fall doesn’t make it any bet... MiniMean

    Idk if u noticed, but... the mafia guys WERE carnivores, which implies that yes, he did have bad time with carnivores

    Yaya December 26, 2023 2:10 pm
    Also I used an example as to say trauma doesn’t excuse everything/ cover for mistakes/behavior——which was the point since you brought up trauma. If that example made you confused, I’ll say it again with... MiniMean

    Never said trauma makes you be scot-free either, but it also doesn't hurt to see the side of the one traumatized and be empathetic about where they are coming from. Even more so since uke isnt a real person and we can't have a talk to them about how shitty they are being. Communication is the basis of everything and they didn't address it yet, nor is someone with trauma expected to flip a switch automatically to become happy ever after about carnivores or whatever their trauma source is. It takes time, even more so when they dont set up a proper talk about it. Sure, ppl should see they are being assholes, but it often doesnt only take themselves to see that. Sometimes u need a therapist a friend who can call u out on that and make some serious talk or lots of face planting into the opposite situation to see you are wrong. Alas, it seems therapy doesn't exist in most mangas, so we are stuck with option 2 and 3. It often isnt likely in mangas that option 2 happens and it seems this manga is the case, so we are only actually left with option 3.

    Yaya December 26, 2023 2:13 pm
    Never said trauma makes you be scot-free either, but it also doesn't hurt to see the side of the one traumatized and be empathetic about where they are coming from. Even more so since uke isnt a real person and... Yaya

    After all, you cant just go and say to a person "you got trauma and no support to deal with it in a healthy way? Lol just deal with it better". It is a pity, but it is what it is and they need time to deal with it better

    Yaya December 26, 2023 2:15 pm
    After all, you cant just go and say to a person "you got trauma and no support to deal with it in a healthy way? Lol just deal with it better". It is a pity, but it is what it is and they need time to deal with... Yaya

    If it harms other ppl, the other ppl should distance themselves from the person indirectly harming them, which should be even more of an indicative and a call out to shitty behavior, specially if the person doing harm treasures their relationships

    MiniMean December 26, 2023 2:24 pm
    If it harms other ppl, the other ppl should distance themselves from the person indirectly harming them, which should be even more of an indicative and a call out to shitty behavior, specially if the person doi... Yaya

    At this point I’m done. Excuse his cowardice, but excuse his prejudices just excuse all his bad stuff