But he never said not being violent towards the gang members would make things dandy. His perspective is just that things will get WORSE (not bad. Worse.) If they try it. Given their speech, seems they tried fighting back once and things got worse. Uke is not being annoying for being conditioned by other ppl into thinking if they dont do stuff, things will be bad, but not as bad as if they fight back. The fault lies in the gang.

About ur edit: well, if he had only bad experiences with mafious, carnivorous dudes, ofc he would hold prejudice about the dude. With a banal example, it is like asking someone who knows how cruel things can be in fashion courses not only because it is common sense but because they experienced it to not consider every fashion course bad
Yes violence creates violence but guess what being a coward doesn’t stop violence, looking the other way doesn’t stop violence, letting yourself get beat up, trafficked and/or r*ped doesn’t stop the violence———this type of thinking is why the uke is annoying. Not because he didn’t want the guy to fight but because all the previous actions and his way of thinking is annoying better yet it’s cowardice. And let’s be real here the uke is also being prejudice towards the seme because he is a tiger/carnivore. He has yet to even try to be in the shoes of the seme vs the sème who has tried and even apologized when he was wrong. Too many of y’all are excusing cowardice, prejudice and incompetency.
Edit: Yes the Leopard gang is the ultimate bad guys, but the uke has been getting on my nerves and this chapter solidified it. If you look at the previous chapters the uke was so quick to have only negative prejudice towards the seme. The uke is very closed minded, he’s just not being outright rude is why y’all excusing his behavior.