He’s not the ‘innocent type’ he’s literally just saw his family restaurant get destroyed=business is gone=can’t afford shit=poor and unemployed. Do you understand that restaurant detrimental to their living?
He’s not stupid for trying to stop the lion man from beating the fuck out of the men because he knew what they were going to do. Obviously he doesn’t want to get raped what the fuck is wrong w you people?- do you need him to bend down and grovel in thankfulness to show he was greatful, he was traumatised!!!
before he saw his restaurant destroyed he also saw his dad got beaten up, no? that was his father and he just naturally accept that fact, not even try to struggle one bit, if at THAT point is when he tried to chase asuka off / blame him, i can totally understand because asuka existence is what got on those yakuza nerves. (not like no one hasn’t warn him before either) but no. so now the problem became bigger, he got kidnap and so on, asuka saved him, beat peoples up but did i said he’s stupid for tried to stop asuka then? no. that was also understandable, asuka gone too far from rage, bunny was traumatized, that’s understandable. but what stupid is that after been through all of that shit, he suddenly decided to blame asuka for his family downfall because he use ‘violence’, even when THAT violence was used to saved him in the first place. totally wtf moment from me. or what? should asuka have ‘bend down and grovel’ begging those people to kindly release bunny boy instead?? so what the fuck is wrong with you?
umm ok so u wanna get raped instead? go on then so we can stop the violence chain. yay. dafuk. i get that ur the innocent type ao but this is borderline stupidity now i pity tiger boy