that’s not biased just logical conclusion to reach. im with you all the way on the dissatisfaction. plus the redemption arc is not redeeming at all. all he did was got a hair cut and cried a little whilst chiwoo was sexually assaulted maybe four billion times. shouldve run hwan over with a trash pickup then back up to make sure he was dead.

while i dislike hwan too, jin should’ve been end game, it seemed like he was genuinely reflecting on what he did. when he found out chiwoo had no memory of any of what happened, he stayed away—he realized what he did wrong. does that excuse his previous actions? fuck no. should he have suffered a bit more? fuck yes. but i don’t think we can say he’s truly getting off guilt free.

I get your point. With the guilt free part of my comment its more of an impulsive reaction to the shitty writing of the manwha, just the fact it was so unsatisfying and that Hwan was redeemed too quickly and so quickly with too little of actual redeeming/forgiving actions. Rather than Hwan being an "evil" character it's more as if the environment gave him too easy of an ending to gain. Its just so half assed on the author's part.

having the person you wronged forget every way you have wronged them and will no longer be able to hold you accountable for your wrongs is the definition of getting off guilt free. i don’t think that having hwan suffer more would be a redemption though because his suffering won’t undo nor make up for the suffering that he put chiwoo through. and in turn i do not think that just realising that he did wrong was enough. the story ended with them being friends again and eventually just as before his feelings for chiwoo would reach a level that he could no longer suppress or control and then what? he would just suddenly do better because he’s older? when he has never been held responsible for one thing in his whole life? especially never in regards to chiwoo? it’s unrealistic to believe that when hwan has given us no reason to. can you imagine the traumatising things hwan would do again if chiwoo starts to date jin in this new reality? or any other person for that matter? hwan is like a parasite, until chiwoo cuts him off, in one way or another, he would only suffer.
I'm BIASED. Because all that build up for Jin just to kill him off . like LITERALLY kill him off. His death meant NOTHING because Chiwoo's memories got erased and now Hwan can live guilt free. They meant NOTHING. That redemption arc of his was BULLSHIT. I seriously don't care if this was technically possible but I'm just saying the plot is confusing because Jin's character was built up to be so much more and to make Chiwoo value others but in the end he was just killed off and forgotten. L.
The art is good. The seme is a dick. The morals meant nothing. Hwan gets no repercussions. I am unsatisfied. Wouldn't recommend