Even NOAH had said that it was accident and that the baby had been an accident. He NEVER had blamed Ian. Yeah. You suckers better be apologizing for attacking me, putting me down, and shaming me for SHITS you made up in your freaking head.
Sorry. I got ATTACKED under my OWN comments too. Yeah, I just got excited about debating the comic but all I got was hate. Even under my OWN post, even though it's about the comic. And it's ONE thing to dislike or not understand the story. But it's different to attack me because they can't follow the reasoning. Gets tired. And then calling me names.
They just attack me. And not the post or the reasoning of the story. Many have called me names, make some random assumptions. Accusing me of crap, and they didn't EVEN HAVE A SINGLE DIALOGUE with me, and didn't stay on the topic I requested in EVERY Single one of my posts. Their assumptions for this story is weird. And when I called them out on it they get upset and called me ALL kinds of names. It gets really AGGRAVATING. THAT'S JUST HOW PPL ARE I guess. Ppl are MUCH MORE POLITE or knowledgeable and understanding understanding on the official platforms.
I wouldn't have been so stressed if I didn't keep getting PERSONAL attacks. And I worked hard on my analyses only to be called names cuz EVERYONE that attacked me THINKS they are RIGHT. And then distorted what I said and accussed me of random things. I've had EXACTLY ONE person who had tested my thing WITHOUT attacking me. And once I've had a headache (thinking about the moral dilemma of the story) had told them so, and they had steppes back. No harm. No foul. They had ONLY ASKED FOR THE DEBATE. DIDNT DEVALUE ME, AND DIDN'T STRESS ME OUT AS A PERSON!!! WE WERE VERY CORDIAL IN OIR DIALOGUE AND DIDN'T CUSS EACH OTHER OUT, EVEN WHEN WE GET FRUSTRATED. THATS HOW HUMANS SHOULD BEHAVE. EXACTLY I CAN COUNT ON MY HAND. 1 PERSON, WHO COULD HOLE A SINGLE DEBATE WITHOUT PUTTING ME DOWN. AND BACKED OFF WHEN I ASKED, NICELY.
Ok, so...for those all mad at Ian in the opening chapter. He's not a super douche. First of all, Noah hadn't found out he was preggy, obviously til after he had gone home to Korea (Student Visa expiration). And for those who kept debating with me regarding the poor state of Noah....well, I DID mention he had a degree....so it WASN'T hard for him to find a job.!!! And I was right. I'm not sure what kind of job he has...but it worked for him just fine UNTIL baby SiYeon got sick!!!
Then, I guess he has had to WORK HARDER!!! So he wasn't all that poor miserable omega EVERYONE was MAKING HIM OUT to be. Yes, his life DID change. But people adapt, you know?!? His family MAY or MAY NOT have been poor - he MAY even have had an avg income family, but one thing's fer sure, he ain't dumb. He's not crippled. He found work. Just as I had said. Just because he's a single dad doesn't mean he can't work....(@_@) Anyways, the reason he kept his child is BECAUSE he wanted to, as the ONLY remaining family member (did al his relatives die or something?!? (Relatives, not immediate family.) Same person who had argued with me brought this up. Ofc it's a legitimate reason, but the child STILL BELONGS to BOTH parents.....anyways, so Noah hadn't been ENTIRELY selfish in wanting to keep the child (to give birth and keep the child) but he DID deprive him of his alpha father. So he hadn't entirely tried to hide, but just had CHOSEN to NOT contact the alpha father. I don't know who or how or what had been presented for (some) people to think Ian is a scum-of-the-earth who had abused Noah in the past, or that breaking off the FWB relationship somehow makes you COMPLETELY EVIL. It ALSO didn't indicate in ANYWAY that Ian was gonna be HORRIBLE father!!! ONLY that ONE snippet of Noah's freaking out when he saw Ian in that Restaurant where he works that it had seemed that he had INTERPRETED that Ian was gonna take away their child (whom he had made his only family, all by his own decision). He wasn't afraid of Ian because Ian is a bad guy, but he did love Ian and Ian's rejection made him not desirous of telling Ian. Like I had said, if he had been neutral about co-parenting he WOULDN'T HAVE HAD THIS INTENSE, almost paranoid, fear of their kid being taken away from him. Idk why ppl kept on INSISTING that SiYEON is NOAH'S Child?!? Just because he gave birth and nursed and clothed and cared for him?!? No!! Have they gone INSANE or something?!?There is LITERALLY NO REASON for him to panic that Ian would find out they had a kid and (for whatever reason) would take their kid away from him!!!! Ppl are JUST TOO QUICK to judge!!!! And now that we have a dying baby and the alpha father is back in Noah's life, he can DEFINITELY HELP, TO NOT ONLY FOOT THE BILL for the Medicine and treatment but ALSO help to provide the CURE for their child based on available info for genetic disorders that run in his family BY PROVIDING his family genetic history!!!! Guys, you have GOT TA LOOK beyond the obvious presentation !!! Noah isn't some pitiful omega who has to be in debt JUST because he's single AND ALL ALONE. He's smart, and capable!!! And, like I said, DON'T JUDGE THIS Manwha based on your experiences with OTHER Omegaverses since they don't ALL FOLLOW THE SAME EXACT TEMPLATE. In THIs WORLD omegas AREN'T Discriminated Against in the WORK PLACE. Noah found a good, sustainable job that he could plenty provide for him AND his child!!!! Apparently, the extra work that Noah had to put in which has been presented in the earlier chapters to make us feel SORRY for him-as-a-poor-hardworking-omega-father-who-has-to-make-ends-meet, working his ass off, is a COMPLETE RED HERRING. It turned out that not ONLY IS OMEGAS NOT discriminated against, but ALSO that Noah is completely CAPABLE, so that EVEN IF there HAS BEEN SOME kind of discrimination he still managed!!! And the person who had argued with me regarding how DIFFICULT it was to single parent, well, like I HAD SAID, Noah HAD DECIDED, on his own, nobody had forced him, to KEEP the child. I HAD brought up the possibility that in another universe the SAME Noah could have 1. Aborted the baby (of which he had entertained the thought of) or that 2. He could have just given the baby UP for adoption!!! So Phish Phosh to ALL of YER WHININGS, please!!! I brought up these arguments because the argument for hiding the baby is so weak!!!and nonsustainble. It was BECAUSE he had to find EXTRA INCOME for the baby's NEED!!! Which we found out was because he's sick!!! Not because Noah is pitiful ALL by himself trying to provide for the baby!!!! He's only pitiful in LOVE. Not in lack of brains!!! He didn't friggin' GET A FRIGGIN spot in the ONLY SPOT AVAILABLE FOR THE YEARLY FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT PROGRAM IF HE WEREN'T SMART!!! AND IT'S ALSO NICE THAT BOTH PARENTS ARE OF EQUAL INTELLECT. :) Anyways, enough about that. Ian is happy with the RESULT of the paternity test. So sue me.
And also, the scenes of him forcing his pheromones onto Noah and keeping their son in another room was only for one day, so please, NO ONE FREAK OUT, PLEASE!!! Ian isn't going to strong-arm Noah and wrestle their child from Noah's arms. He kept their child (who's probably sleeping, oh, just ONE of his many eternal unending Slumbers)in order to hash out their relationship !!! Dude hasn't seen Noah in FOUR years. Let the man have a moment with his mate and discuss their bonds. Jeez!!!
And look at him BEING ALL-CONSIDERATE in having his driver TAKE Noah and their child BACK to Noah's place!!! And how he DIDN'T WANT to disturb their CHILD's sleep so he sent a text instead of CALLING. The dude is a certified dad. What MORE could you want?!? So STOP FRIGGIN' throwing the poor man UNDER THE BUS!!! I mean, the things that HAD DRIVEN them APART in the past (their different needs, desires, and wants, as university kids in their 20s is VASTLY DIFFERENT FROM NOW as fully grown, working adults) - Ian, had perhaps ran into Noah accidentally, or he could have been doing a FULL-ON search, but it is good timing if accidental, and if not then he def went in search, since it was likely time for him to have a child and or to settle down. I'm glad Ian ISN'T resentful of Noah for having MATE-bonded with him. In an AU he could have resented him and then we'd have a WHOLE OTHER heart-WRENCHING story about the UNINTENDED mate-bond. Ian seems to take things pretty light-heartedly. And Noah very seriously. So... maybe MANY of the things he has said in the begining were just light brushes on more serious matters. I wouldn't take him too seriously. Even if Noah HAD BEEN in love with him in the past, I don't think that he would have been SO BLIND as to be with someone who would put him down or is inconsiderate of him. He had described Ian in a positive light and that their relationship had been good. Essentially, it ALL comes down to perfective. And the ONLY PERSPECTIVE WE CAN SEE IS NOAH'S PERSPECTIVE. So, I am not wrong when I said that there are more than one perspectives, the MC's, the ML's, and our own. We as human beings always have filters on. Noah has a filter, then we as readers or the outside perspective, ALSO has a filter on. So in order to see this story, or ANY story, you have to take off your OWN filter, as well as to take off Noah's filter. And what's left is the truth. Not the distortion from our lenses. And before anyone comes at me for coming from my high horse. That was the case AFTER everyone had started to come after me, calling me names, and putting me down. Otherwise, there WOULDN'T have been a need for me to write that long rant about how everyone is ONLY seeing things from Noah's perspective (his interpretation of the world) and that we are also adding our own distorted lens into the mix. Life isn't that simple.
¯_༼ᴼلᴼ༽_/¯(ʘᴗʘ✿)<( ̄︶ ̄)>(☆▽☆)(◍•ᴗ•◍)(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) No reason to come after me now.
Also, in regards to baby SiYeon sleeping forever, he is sleeping a lot because he is sick, or that and because the author wants us to see the dynamics between the parents first without having too much distraction going on with the kid. And also, surprise!!! He's sick. Good setup for us to see a hardworking omega seen in a pitiful light due to severe lack of information and partial presentation of evidence. (Aka. the filter.)