You are receiving this as a reminder that must be back here in two weeks time if you're still alive hope world ^ ♡ ^
Much to my own surprise, I am still alive, even after this really really depressing year. Thank you for checking in! I hope you have a very Merry Crisis and Happy Holiday just for this single comment, it truly made my week since I saw it. Will I be back next year? Hopefully~
Much to my own surprise, I am still alive, even after this really really depressing year.Thank you for checking in! I hope you have a very Merry Crisis and Happy Holiday just for this single comment, it truly m... kUchiha9
You're alive!! And you kept your own promise to yourself last year too! Happy holidaaays and here's to next year. You've done great this year, yeeeyy
If you need it, i'll come back and remind you hear again next year for your yearly tradition. (▰˘◡˘▰)
If im not back here next year with my Yaoi Xmas songs, its because im dead~