Was rereading and omfg I got taken out of the story….

Comrade Mommy December 25, 2023 6:44 am

….as soon as dude said “you’ll come faster then a girl”?! Like is the author a dude? Bc only dudes are dumb enough to think sht like that. I mean aren’t we low key notorious for being hard to make come during sex? Like I literally didn’t have an orgasam during penetrative sex till after I popped out a child; and I credit the post partum hormones for making it happen. Also most straight guys suck at knowing how to do it in a way that makes you come, and it’s a lot harder to come from penetration. I know there are exceptions ofc but it’s low key a trope that we fake orgasams. Also the story is boring.

    Ruri December 27, 2023 7:36 pm
    Straight men making yaoi is not a problem considering women do it too. It’s just the fact that you’re calling the author dumb for including one line “you’ll cum faster than a girl” it doesn’t really... tar


    hangesimp88 December 27, 2023 7:44 pm
    most mlm content creators are female… let’s not act foolish now popcorn

    doesnt change the fact that they are a mlm fetishist! and when did i ever mention anything ab mlm content creators being male or female? ik most r female, that doesnt change the fact that its weird.

    piniste ka December 28, 2023 12:12 am

    I Hope you know that some girls cum faster, it really depends, and I’m sorry if you’re just so different

    Comrade Mommy December 28, 2023 10:59 am

    Have y’all not read any of the science on women’s sexuality? I already posited that I’m generalizing. But it’s been proven women on average are less likely to have an orgasam from penatrative sex for various reasons including bc there’s very little sex edu, and bc of where the clit is located. But srsly I realized most of y’all have never had actual sex. And why would you make a judgement about my parenting bc I have an opinion you don’t like? Maybe go outside and touch some grass bc you sound like an unhinged freak.

    元サラリーマン December 28, 2023 11:23 am
    Have y’all not read any of the science on women’s sexuality? I already posited that I’m generalizing. But it’s been proven women on average are less likely to have an orgasam from penatrative sex for va... Comrade Mommy

    You and the women in those studies just been having sex with lousy partners with terrible skills in bed that's all. Seriously if your entire life, you could only get off from clitoral stimulation where in fact g spot exists and vaginal orgasm is way more explosive, it might be a good time to invest your time in sex education and learn more about yourself instead of making dumb generations.

    元サラリーマン December 28, 2023 11:23 am
    You and the women in those studies just been having sex with lousy partners with terrible skills in bed that's all. Seriously if your entire life, you could only get off from clitoral stimulation where in fact ... 元サラリーマン


    specird December 29, 2023 2:55 pm
    Have y’all not read any of the science on women’s sexuality? I already posited that I’m generalizing. But it’s been proven women on average are less likely to have an orgasam from penatrative sex for va... Comrade Mommy

    bruh its yaoi no one cares about logic here

    mimiko May 14, 2024 2:24 am

    Womp womp