Was rereading and omfg I got taken out of the story….

Comrade Mommy December 25, 2023 6:44 am

….as soon as dude said “you’ll come faster then a girl”?! Like is the author a dude? Bc only dudes are dumb enough to think sht like that. I mean aren’t we low key notorious for being hard to make come during sex? Like I literally didn’t have an orgasam during penetrative sex till after I popped out a child; and I credit the post partum hormones for making it happen. Also most straight guys suck at knowing how to do it in a way that makes you come, and it’s a lot harder to come from penetration. I know there are exceptions ofc but it’s low key a trope that we fake orgasams. Also the story is boring.

    popcorn December 25, 2023 8:22 am


    hangesimp88 December 25, 2023 12:53 pm

    ooh you’s another mlm fetishist

    tar December 25, 2023 4:44 pm

    I think they just said that because it’s a common line in yaoi…

    tar December 25, 2023 4:46 pm

    Also it’s literally GAY so being surprised and calling them dumb if the author was a male is not it…

    hangesimp88 December 25, 2023 5:27 pm
    Also it’s literally GAY so being surprised and calling them dumb if the author was a male is not it… tar


    tenshi December 26, 2023 12:46 am


    bitch whisperer December 26, 2023 5:30 am

    dude ur just yapping to yap at this point

    misakii December 26, 2023 2:26 pm

    um excuse me?? but it LITERALLY OKAY for a man to create a yaoi than a WOMAN. Many women (SOME OF THE WOMAN) just reading/making yaoi because of their mlm fetish or whatever it's called. And this is a fiction, you should expect that. Also, you'll never know if there's any gay that can make a straight bottom to come faster.

    misakii December 26, 2023 2:31 pm
    um excuse me?? but it LITERALLY OKAY for a man to create a yaoi than a WOMAN. Many women (SOME OF THE WOMAN) just reading/making yaoi because of their mlm fetish or whatever it's called. And this is a fiction, ... misakii

    anyways, I don't mean here that you said that men are not allowed to make yaoi fiction, what I'm talking about here is that the story is gay so you expected gay authors and stop calling them dumb. Because you are taking FICTION too seriously

    misakii December 26, 2023 2:33 pm
    anyways, I don't mean here that you said that men are not allowed to make yaoi fiction, what I'm talking about here is that the story is gay so you expected gay authors and stop calling them dumb. Because you a... misakii

    opx, I mean "gay or man (whatever their pronouns is) author"

    popcorn December 26, 2023 7:49 pm
    ooh you’s another mlm fetishist hangesimp88

    wait isn’t op just saying women don’t usually have orgasms from penetrative sex?? how does that make them a mlm fetishist… if anything isn’t it the opposite?? what are yall talking about

    Comrade Mommy December 26, 2023 11:36 pm

    You know gay men can be misogynists too, but I should have clarified that I meant was the author a straight man? It’s not beyond the realm of possibility bc with the popularity of Yaoi in the west it’s an easy way to make money for an artist. Also I sometimes find these backwards tropes take me out of a story. Like the way queerness is often sterotyped without any nuance or critique, also takes me out of the story. Or how when rpe happens the rpe victim himself will often say “well I’m not a girl so it’s fine”. Like shting on women and male victims of rape in one sentence. I get it’s silly comics so I try not to take to much to srsly, but sometimes I’m not able to get past it. Especially if it’s a dumb story. It’s like comedy, if Matt Rife had made a joke about domestic violence that was actually funny it wouldn’t have sounded as bad. I like art and don’t want art in any form stifled, but at the same time if your art is bad and you’re talking stupid sht, I’m not going to be as willing to overlook bullsht.

    hangesimp88 December 26, 2023 11:45 pm
    wait isn’t op just saying women don’t usually have orgasms from penetrative sex?? how does that make them a mlm fetishist… if anything isn’t it the opposite?? what are yall talking about popcorn

    r u dumb LMAOOO they are a WOMAN who continuously consumes MLM CONTENT and expects the authors of MLM CONTENT to be female

    Snowy December 27, 2023 4:25 am


    Ruri December 27, 2023 4:25 am

    Hmm it takes like 3 min for me to cum (ofc only the first few orgasms, later on it takes longer) xd on average i cum like 8-10x during sex with my husband.. so what the author said at least fits with me ö.ö (sorry for the private details.. lul) imo guys are just too unskilled :d maybe the playboy friends in this manga were just too good in bed :p

    Ruri December 27, 2023 4:33 am
    r u dumb LMAOOO they are a WOMAN who continuously consumes MLM CONTENT and expects the authors of MLM CONTENT to be female hangesimp88

    I mean this author is female o.o and its a fact that most yaoi authors are female, theres only a hand full of male authors xd

    元サラリーマン December 27, 2023 9:29 am
    Hmm it takes like 3 min for me to cum (ofc only the first few orgasms, later on it takes longer) xd on average i cum like 8-10x during sex with my husband.. so what the author said at least fits with me ö.ö (... Ruri

    Agreed. Unless they have a medical condition that prevents them from having an orgasm, it's down to skill issue. And in this case, the top is good so he could make his partner cum fast. Just because OP couldn't orgasm with their partner that easily doesn't make it BS. Calling someone dumb because you can't fathom what's going on certainly proves the opposite.

    popcorn December 27, 2023 1:44 pm
    r u dumb LMAOOO they are a WOMAN who continuously consumes MLM CONTENT and expects the authors of MLM CONTENT to be female hangesimp88

    most mlm content creators are female… let’s not act foolish now

    tar December 27, 2023 3:31 pm
    You know gay men can be misogynists too, but I should have clarified that I meant was the author a straight man? It’s not beyond the realm of possibility bc with the popularity of Yaoi in the west it’s an e... Comrade Mommy

    Straight men making yaoi is not a problem considering women do it too. It’s just the fact that you’re calling the author dumb for including one line “you’ll cum faster than a girl” it doesn’t really mean anything it’s a common line in gay smut. Clearly ur the type to want realism in a story but just because a story doesn’t have that doesn’t mean it’s bad. If u want realism then you probably shouldn’t be looking for it in “pink cherry complex”

    Kuzo December 27, 2023 6:01 pm

    Booo Non virigin + being bad mother don't have a place in here!