sick and twisted

I.need.a.short.coma December 25, 2023 6:18 am

It is absolutely so sick and twisted how likable the 2nd mL is in this. He did not need to be so delightful. I wish he was a stupid skank. I hate going through the emotions of this. their story would gave been so delicious if he was the ml.

    Veeno December 27, 2023 6:52 pm


    LatteGratte December 30, 2023 8:40 pm

    He is not likeable.

    LatteGratte December 30, 2023 8:42 pm

    And he literally is a stupid skank lmao ur spot on

    Tym December 31, 2023 5:30 pm
    And he literally is a stupid skank lmao ur spot on LatteGratte

    how is he a stupid skank? his backstory is so sad and he finally found love after losing a loved one but she’s unavailable:( he’s very likable

    LatteGratte December 31, 2023 6:06 pm
    how is he a stupid skank? his backstory is so sad and he finally found love after losing a loved one but she’s unavailable:( he’s very likable Tym

    To each their own.

    LatteGratte December 31, 2023 6:14 pm
    how is he a stupid skank? his backstory is so sad and he finally found love after losing a loved one but she’s unavailable:( he’s very likable Tym

    I haven’t read that far, but I don’t feel bad for him. He’s plotting and scheming, and is doing too much. I would like his plotting and scheming if he was the male lead and she was dating him, but he’s not the male lead. The beginning where he was all touchy with the female lead knowing that she has a man was enough to leave a bad taste in my mouth. I tend to hate second male leads overall. Boohoo, you couldn’t get the girl? Too bad. They annoy me. He can find somebody else to love.

    owowowow January 1, 2024 2:39 am

    it’s sad that he’s so in love with the fl i wish he can find someone else who’d love him as much as he does

    LatteGratte January 1, 2024 3:01 am
    it’s sad that he’s so in love with the fl i wish he can find someone else who’d love him as much as he does owowowow

    yes. this is the solution.

    *Ariam* January 5, 2024 8:42 am

    agree that he s good, but the ML is such a sweet pie i cant , he s gorgeous and so cute and manly so no, my best ML is the cutie heheheh

    Moon January 7, 2024 2:17 pm

    second main lead syndrome going hard