To be honest, I don't like the way the situation was handled. It lacked substance and the ...

zamiac December 25, 2023 12:24 am

To be honest, I don't like the way the situation was handled. It lacked substance and the kids didnt get the best guidance. They just made one side conform instead of using it as a growth opportunity. It might seem small, but if it continues, the results won't be good. I believe the MC said she felt like she was becoming a narrow-minded person because in that moment she was being narrow-minded. They failed to stay neutral and guide the children. In the end, Lara might think all she has to do is whine or use something against someone to get her way, and Mikhail might think all he has to do is suck up to someone to fit in or maintain peace even at the cost of his own emotions or feelings. Lara could end up spoiled or too fragile/sheltered to handle rejection, and Mikhail could end up fake or depressed, feeling like he has no choice but to keep the boat steady to avoid being isolated. They really could have just talked to the kids, have the kids communicate their own thoughts and emotions, and worked as mediators to help them properly communicate themselves. How can you expect kids that young to find the solution themselves when you never showed them how to get the answer I guess I shouldn't get too frustrated over it since it is just a fictional story and every parent makes mistakes.

    zamiac December 25, 2023 12:35 am

    Also, Merry Christmas. May Jesus bless you all.

    strawberry milk December 25, 2023 12:43 am

    EXACTLY, as someone said previously in the comments “lara should learn to be rejected and mikhail should learn to make connections” CUZ THIS SITUATION IS NOT SOMETHING THAT 6 YEARS OLD SHOULD BE ABLE TO OVERCOME LOGICALLY

    zamiac December 25, 2023 1:17 am
    EXACTLY, as someone said previously in the comments “lara should learn to be rejected and mikhail should learn to make connections” CUZ THIS SITUATION IS NOT SOMETHING THAT 6 YEARS OLD SHOULD BE ABLE TO OVE... strawberry milk

    Funny enought, I believe I was the person who previously said that. Glad you agreed with me both times.