Ending i fine in my opinion

Myst December 24, 2023 8:02 am

Still has 1 or 2 more chapters going by the raws. Honestly Dohyeok is a pos and doesn't deserve a happy ending. I do feel bad what happened to him but when you hang out with ppl who do that to others ofcourse they will turn on you when they get the chance.

    hatdiggitydog December 24, 2023 8:33 pm

    i mean not a lot of people expected a happy ending for him because dohyeok is a huge asshole, but there was no point to these side stories if this was how it was gonna end.

    like there was no development whatsoever. dohyeok didnt change his ways or get therapy or get better. no in fact he gets gang raped, gets sent off to another country, gets his job position stolen by his half brother, and doesn't even become a better person. siwoo the asshole got a perfectly happy ending, and so did dohyeok's rapists who never got any karma. it's just stupid the way it ended how it did because then there was no need for over 30 chapters of just torture.

    harimauSugar December 25, 2023 5:24 am
    i mean not a lot of people expected a happy ending for him because dohyeok is a huge asshole, but there was no point to these side stories if this was how it was gonna end. like there was no development whatsoe... hatdiggitydog


    Seeyiaa December 25, 2023 7:40 am
    i mean not a lot of people expected a happy ending for him because dohyeok is a huge asshole, but there was no point to these side stories if this was how it was gonna end. like there was no development whatsoe... hatdiggitydog

    Exactly. I don't want a happy ending where they wound up together cuz siwoo is also an asshole. I don't get the point of side story. I was fine hating on dohyeok back then but now, I feel sympathy towards him. Seeing him scared like that was realistic after the rape he went through