Yeah not this again ..everyone complaining about rape/assault in comics it's getting old.L...

Sans December 24, 2023 1:10 am

Yeah not this again ..everyone complaining about rape/assault in comics it's getting old.Literally 99.999 percent of the BL here are mostly that besides this isn't so bad compared to the other horrible shit I've read before. What else is new?

    winter December 24, 2023 2:46 am

    Hmmmm i wonder why everyone is complaining …hmm i dont know
    Maybe cause its SICK and not everyone likes to see that
    There’s definitely NO NEED TO ADD APE TO A MANGA / MANHWA TF.

    Sans December 24, 2023 2:58 am
    Hmmmm i wonder why everyone is complaining …hmm i dont know Maybe cause its SICK and not everyone likes to see thatThere’s definitely NO NEED TO ADD APE TO A MANGA / MANHWA TF. winter

    Oh really? Guess everyone got a coupon for 'read shitty comic and complain later' like some privileged little cunt. Hypocrites what did ya'll expect? The warning labels were there too and the author can do whatever the fuck they want with their comic. Pissy lil cunts like you who can't deal with this kinda shit should steer clear from plots like this instead of being a goddamn cancer acting out everytime a comic has heavy sexual assault in it!. Go read my lil pony or something instead.

    Sho_queen December 24, 2023 5:37 am
    Oh really? Guess everyone got a coupon for 'read shitty comic and complain later' like some privileged little cunt. Hypocrites what did ya'll expect? The warning labels were there too and the author can do ... Sans

    wow wow wow i have not even read the manga yet and I pretty sure everyone have a right to an opinion and you did not have to rant off like that lmaoo ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Sans December 24, 2023 5:53 am
    wow wow wow i have not even read the manga yet and I pretty sure everyone have a right to an opinion and you did not have to rant off like that lmaoo ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Sho_queen

    Oh totally agree. We're all entitled to our opinion hence my statement above.

    winter December 25, 2023 5:52 pm
    Oh really? Guess everyone got a coupon for 'read shitty comic and complain later' like some privileged little cunt. Hypocrites what did ya'll expect? The warning labels were there too and the author can do ... Sans

    LMFAOOOOOOO nah the fact that you’re so mad is hilarious but go off love. Just don’t pop a blood vessel.
    Im entitled to my opinion just like you are so why dont u stop being a little bitch ok
    Also i’m not ready all that tf
    Thank you
    Have a happy holiday

    winter December 25, 2023 5:56 pm


    Sans December 25, 2023 11:46 pm
    LMFAOOOOOOO nah the fact that you’re so mad is hilarious but go off love. Just don’t pop a blood vessel. Im entitled to my opinion just like you are so why dont u stop being a little bitch ok Also i’m not... winter

    Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings? awfully presumptuous of you saying that I was mad. I was merely projecting my expression in the most calmest way possible like your not worth getting mad at such an assuming little pussy u ought to be. Anyways yours was hardly an opinion it was more of a shit talk if I ever read one being a SISSY WHINY SLUTTY BITCH you are. Hope you get RAPED in the holidays cunt so some author could reference your unfortunate situation in their comic LMAOOO.

    winter December 26, 2023 12:10 am

    Am i supposed to cry??You wanna sit in front of your computer and be pissed off cause someone doesn’t wanna agree with u
    Grow tf up its 2023
    If u didn’t want someone to comment under your bullshit and then you shouldn’t had commented on a public form you arctic menace bitch
    Also u hoped that i get raped?? Karma is a beautiful thing love i wouldn’t call her

    Sans December 26, 2023 12:36 am
    Am i supposed to cry??You wanna sit in front of your computer and be pissed off cause someone doesn’t wanna agree with u Grow tf up its 2023 If u didn’t want someone to comment under your bullshit and then... winter

    Do you want to? and for the record Idaf about you. Maybe you should stop being such a cancer not my fault you decided to reply to my comment only to get hit with a reality check. Stay pressed UGLY WHORE btw I'm not superstitious and karma isn't real my statement above stands firm stupid slut.

    winter December 26, 2023 12:36 am


    Sans December 26, 2023 12:36 am
    Am i supposed to cry??You wanna sit in front of your computer and be pissed off cause someone doesn’t wanna agree with u Grow tf up its 2023 If u didn’t want someone to comment under your bullshit and then... winter

    Carry that in 2024

    Sans December 26, 2023 12:39 am

    What edit? totally lost your shit.. it's sad and hilarious at the same time

    Theo January 19, 2024 6:53 am
    What edit? totally lost your shit.. it's sad and hilarious at the same time Sans

    Hey yall. I go down here either cuz I like seeing people's reactions to bad manga or to see if I should bother reading a manga. Like, the warnings are always helpful but without commendation from previous readers, how would I know that there is literally just straight up no plot just rape like literally every freaking chapter?

    Thanks guys for all of ur opinions. Fuck this one guy for thinking that he owns the goddammit comment section. Like, who said people can't provide context, opinions, and straight up truths in a comment section like BRO THATS WHAT ITS FOR.

    Anyways, somehow I made it pretty far in the manga but I had to stop at the public beach thing. Like they were SURROUNDED by people lmaoooooo this is truly a fever dream. Like, sometimes I might enjoy dumb plotless pork like this but when it's as chaotic and unbelievable as this it just ruins the mood it was trying to build. Bro how would nobody notice two guys doing that in the open and just thing "lmao they just playing" like broooooo

    Theo January 19, 2024 6:54 am
    Hey yall. I go down here either cuz I like seeing people's reactions to bad manga or to see if I should bother reading a manga. Like, the warnings are always helpful but without commendation from previous reade... Theo

    Commendation: supposed to be commentation whatever this stupid autocorrect

    Theo January 19, 2024 7:00 am
    Commendation: supposed to be commentation whatever this stupid autocorrect Theo

    Pork???? I'm fucking done. I wish I could at least spell correct my comment jesus