Unfair story

Alex❤DG December 23, 2023 7:03 pm

After read spoilers all i want to say F*UCK OFF KLOPP! Raphael deserve better. Aelock don't deserve all this shit. He paid his sin 1000x times of what he did. BUT KLOPP NEVER ONCE PAID WHAT HE DID IN THE PAST!!!
What's the point of other 2 regression? They still end up together without Klopp being suffer or at least give a proper redemption arc!

In 2nd life (Aelock regression), he remembered his past but Klopp can't. I actually like this world since everything happens before Klopp turned to be an egoist monster jerk. So yeah, it's ok if they get a happy ending. Aelock deserve to be happy and loved. From my perspective, Aelock actually ended up with someone else (new better version of Klopp) not that jerk from 1st world. Yk what i mean?

In 3rd life (Klopp regression). He remembers the past but Aelock can't. I hate this world same like 1st life. He was still a jerk and even wait to the tragedy happened (literally he thought about raphael being raped and killed). After all misunderstanding about Aelock is clear, he wants to redeem him. Of course he also try to commit suicide. But at last they end up together. He still feel guilty and promised to treat Aelock better and give all his heart. BUT WHAT'S THE POINT???? THAT WASN'T AELOCK THAT HE BULLIED, HIT, RAPED, INSULTED, ABUSE AND LET HIM DIE IN TRAGEDY!

What's the point of him to apologize to a new version of aelock who didn't know anything and the tragedy also not happening? He needs to suffer from what he did in OG. At least don't let them end up together. Wth with happy ending when he don't even deserve it? I really want him to encountered OG Aelock and suffered 1000x of what he did. Say that to OG aelock!

Am I wrong to feel this way?

    Dorko December 23, 2023 10:28 pm

    Nope i think a lot of people do some points id like to make because I’ve become a bit of a ITRG nerd

    1. Whether or not there was enough suffering for klopp is for debate but they do make the point in the story that his life was hell when aleock died. It was also bad before he died, because he was traumatized that not only were his wife and baby murdered gruesomely but he was catching feelings for the person he thought was responsible. He felt like he would be a monster if he treated aelock well but also felt like a monster for what he was doing to him. Then when aelock died not only did he lose the person he loved (even though he wouldnt admit it) die in a horrific way, he also had imprinted on him. In this universe not being around your partner after imprinting is painful physically and psychologically. So he did suffer a lot but i wish he would have suffered at aelocks hands i guess? Like aelock lived and someone saved him from klopp and he married them and was happy and klopp had to feel the sting of not being loved for once lol

    2. Second world is my favorite too. Albeit I haven’t read the third one since its not translated yet but read spoilers. I like 2nd story because OG aleock thinks he finally got forgiveness and his feelings returned. He doesnt know its a different klopp. But i too would have like a universe where both had their memories to see what happened

    JustCallMeApple December 24, 2023 12:28 am

    The third arc can seem unfair because of how it ended and how Klopp wasn’t able to let OG Aelock know that whatever he endured during world 1 was all Klopp’s fault, but OG klopp ending up with the Aelock of that world is not a happy ending, not for Klopp at least.

    And honestly OG aelock found peace and happiness in his arc, he doesn’t really need to meet OG klopp to find peace. That’s the beauty of it. Aelock will live his life with so much love from his Klopp and family. Meeting Og Klopp to hear his apologies and love for him.. won’t amount to what Aelock has now.

    By not getting the chance to meet OG Aelock. Klopp was able to realize that he was the monster, because this Aelock was able to call his bs. If both Og’s have meet, the ending would have been different. Because Klopp felt justified with his actions, while Aelock is riddled with guilt and fear. Both would have stagnated and continued their unhealthy relationship… we saw Klopp coerce the relationship in both arcs, the only difference was (2) Klopp grew as a person and became a better partner, OG klopp needed a lot more work.

    You should see the raw of 33 that’s a taste of how imprinting can torment you. An endless nightmare, it’s not written how the imprint tormented OG klopp, but vol 2 gave you some idea how imprinting affects Klopp. Og Klopp’s nightmares must have been how he told Aelock to die, and seeing all that blood on his hand. I honestly couldn’t believe Klopp kept his sanity for so long. I can understand why he was acting insane in volume 5.

    Also his children, especially Rayfiel was angry at him. He died probably without fixing things, nor apologizing to his children, from doing despicable things to their mom and the reason for their birth. A new life in the third world won’t let him forget about what he did to his six kids. He will always be haunted by it. When his happy in the third world, in the back of his mind, he must have thought ‘What IF’ I was just honest with what I felt… would this have been my future with OG aelock? Because Aelock turns into an omega in this arc, so imagine the sinking feeling of killing your omega, your children grew motherless because of your insane antics. (This is speculation but I believe he probably thinks of this… Klopp might be a shitty person, but he does love his children.)

    In my interpretation, Klopp is still in hell. Because he’ll live this second chance without true peace. He has to carry his sins alone. He can try and bury all of it, but the longing and hope that he can meet Og aelock to ask forgiveness will forever torment him.

    He’ll also forever be afraid, he lost Aelock once, like a life jacket he’ll cling to this one. So it’s not a happy ending. It just looks happy, because the ending is ambiguous. But it’s just a happiness wrapped in a beautiful lie, that Klopp can find happiness in this world. For me, his arc was more of an FU from the author.

    Dorko December 24, 2023 12:50 am
    The third arc can seem unfair because of how it ended and how Klopp wasn’t able to let OG Aelock know that whatever he endured during world 1 was all Klopp’s fault, but OG klopp ending up with the Aelock of... JustCallMeApple

    Ooh thats a solid point. OG aelock thought old klopp had forgiven him because new klopp played along, but klopp never met og aelock or his kids again to get forgiveness so hes stuck in his guilt.

    JustCallMeApple December 24, 2023 2:16 am
    Ooh thats a solid point. OG aelock thought old klopp had forgiven him because new klopp played along, but klopp never met og aelock or his kids again to get forgiveness so hes stuck in his guilt. Dorko

    Yes! Aelock got his closure because he really wanted to do what’s right. All his actions on his return was to correct his mistake, that’s why his reward and happiness was more genuine.

    Klopp who felt an emptiness because of Aelock’s death, wanted to covet what he lost, without proper acknowledgment of his mistakes. Forcing a relationship with Aelock. His drive was more of self interest. So his punishment was a lot more severe…

    Alex❤DG December 24, 2023 5:47 am
    The third arc can seem unfair because of how it ended and how Klopp wasn’t able to let OG Aelock know that whatever he endured during world 1 was all Klopp’s fault, but OG klopp ending up with the Aelock of... JustCallMeApple

    Wow.. that was great explanation. It's something that never cross my mind. I only look how he didn't suffer much but endless guilt has tormented him. I agree with them never meet again as their relationship already broken and scarred. OG Aelock won't get away from his trauma and OG Klopp won't be able to fix what he had done.

    Alex❤DG December 24, 2023 5:49 am
    Nope i think a lot of people do some points id like to make because I’ve become a bit of a ITRG nerd 1. Whether or not there was enough suffering for klopp is for debate but they do make the point in the sto... Dorko

    I think i probably wants to see how klopp see aelock with someone else and he won't get love from him. Yes you're right. I realize how i want klopp to suffer on aelock's hand.

    Sc1996 December 24, 2023 1:24 pm
    The third arc can seem unfair because of how it ended and how Klopp wasn’t able to let OG Aelock know that whatever he endured during world 1 was all Klopp’s fault, but OG klopp ending up with the Aelock of... JustCallMeApple

    Where can i read the the 3rs arc, could you please share a link.i was able to read OG aelock happy version. Can you please help

    JustCallMeApple December 24, 2023 1:44 pm
    Where can i read the the 3rs arc, could you please share a link.i was able to read OG aelock happy version. Can you please help Sc1996

    It’s raws though, so reading it using google translate will make your head hurt. Lenoc’s arc is almost done, you sure?

    I advise to read vol 4 chap 3 (28) it’s important. That chapter is where both Og’s meet for a brief conversation. (27)is Lenoc’s arc.

    It’s on booktoki, where all the kr novels are posted. An alternative of newtoki. Just copy paste the kr name of ItRG and it should popup.

    Kore December 24, 2023 1:57 pm

    So in 3rd life why didi he marry Raphael when he remember everything thing from past life ?

    Lala December 24, 2023 1:59 pm

    YESSSS exactly , you said everything that i wanted to say

    Lala December 24, 2023 2:02 pm

    I literally dropped the novel as soon as i finished reading their second life .For me , third life is non-existent. I swear1st life Klopp deserves more pain

    JustCallMeApple December 24, 2023 2:09 pm
    So in 3rd life why didi he marry Raphael when he remember everything thing from past life ? Kore

    Because Aelock’s death made him realize what he wanted and thats aelock… he barely had memories of Rayfiel…

    JustCallMeApple December 24, 2023 2:09 pm
    I literally dropped the novel as soon as i finished reading their second life .For me , third life is non-existent. I swear1st life Klopp deserves more pain Lala

    It good you’re missing out…

    Lala December 24, 2023 2:17 pm
    It good you’re missing out… JustCallMeApple

    nah I'm good .Their Second life is the perfect ending for me .

    JustCallMeApple December 24, 2023 2:40 pm
    nah I'm good .Their Second life is the perfect ending for me . Lala

    That’s unfortunate…

    Alex❤DG December 24, 2023 3:16 pm
    So in 3rd life why didi he marry Raphael when he remember everything thing from past life ? Kore

    I don't think he married Rayphael. Klopp actually fell in love first sight with Aelock but he never wants to admit it. Why would he thirst for an alpha when he can climb the ladder with an omega. So he developed feelings towards Rayphael after choose to marry him. That's why in 3rd life he still wants Aelock even he can be with Rayphael. Idk if that because of imprinting or genuine feeling towards Aelock.. whatever it is, Klopp don't deserve both of them.

    Dorko December 24, 2023 4:59 pm

    I kind of feel like klopp and aelock were probably soul mates (in the fictional sense) but because of their personalities they were destined to have conflict. Aelock was a young master and had a hard time being sensible or thinking things through, which is why he came up with that dumb idea to scare ralph. Klopp was the opposite, he was hyper sensible because he knew nothing in life would be handed to him. Thats why i think it was hard for him to accept feelings for an unconventional relationship. Alpha and alpha relationships werent the norm and conflicted with his plan to marry and have kids. So he found someone who looked like aelock but had more of what was his ideal, omega, soft spoken, obedient - and what was accepted by society. It would have been interesting to see if aelock hadnt done what he did - if he found someone else instead- if klopp would have been jealous. I dont think its klopps personality to cheat or divorce, but he may have started to realize some feelings.

    Kore December 24, 2023 5:27 pm
    I don't think he married Rayphael. Klopp actually fell in love first sight with Aelock but he never wants to admit it. Why would he thirst for an alpha when he can climb the ladder with an omega. So he develope... Alex❤DG

    There is one more thing i want to ask related to season 1 ...some people say that Raphael never love klop and he was pregnant with someone else is it true or just false claims?
    ...and klopp was actually in love with aelock even in first life thats why he marry Raphael because he resembles aelock

    Kore December 24, 2023 5:32 pm
    nah I'm good .Their Second life is the perfect ending for me . Lala

    I get it because lots of people say that third life is as bad as first life only 2 nd life story is good ....but i will still read the whole story even if it traumatized me(⊙…⊙ )

    Alex❤DG December 24, 2023 5:44 pm
    There is one more thing i want to ask related to season 1 ...some people say that Raphael never love klop and he was pregnant with someone else is it true or just false claims? ...and klopp was actually in love... Kore

    No. It's false claim. Raphael has truly loved Klopp. He's the same naive like Aelock. And yes he chose raphael because his face resemble Aelock. He was pregnant with Klopp child. But a black hair guy was in love with him. In 3rd life raphael also had his happiness. In 3rd life Klopp refused raphael after realize the one he truly loved was aelock so he still chasing after aelock. Raphael got heartbroken but he gets a better man (black haired guy. I forgot his name). That guy was fierce, annoying, tyrant and domineering but he treats raphael soft and gently. He's similar to Jihwan in the manhwa The edge of ambiguity. I actually like them as side couple. I just hate Klopp that's all. I wish in 3rd life aelock would also end up with someone else like raphael. But they still end up together ughhh