You have actually brought up a good point. I think mark is basically forming a bond through actions and physical intimacy. Where as an imprint is more like a psychological factor (kind of how chicks imprint their first being they see out of their shells as mothers) only this one is in a romantic context. It’s the same reason others pheromones don’t work on him. He has subconsciously decided the omega (hence pheromones) that can have an affect on him. Consequently he rejects any other pheromones. We already know that the imprint is a powerful and “irrevocable” phenomenon through his flashbacks.
It also makes me question now that I know the omega and alpha have never had sex— the Alpha states he isn’t effected by omega pheromones BUT doesn’t that also mean he can sleep with omegas he just isn’t effected by their pheromones? Also if their Alpha has never had sex with the ML omega how exactly does he know what sex with tan omega would feel like <_<?
At the beginning of this manhua apparently the alpha imprinted on the omega ML and now he no longer reacts to omega pheromones and can’t have sex with omegas BUT we know from reading further the omega does not have a bite mark.
What the problem is since marking and imprinting are different technically shouldn’t the alpha be able to react to other omegas pheromones. Also/ possibly if Imprinting is only a state of mind if technically he won’t react to omega pheromones anymore shouldnt the alpha just have sex with other omegas since they are better equipped anatomically speaking to sleep with alphas. We’ve seen that the alpha can affect people with his pheromones so it should be fine for him to sleep with other omegas and the omegas are affected by his pheromones but not the other way around?????
Does anyone get what I am saying? If I am wrong about what I noticed someone please feel free to help me out and correct me