This can happen in real life, too, you know. Not every queer story is sad and full of agony. Queer people DO have happy lives and they DO have supportive friends and family, and the fact that people keep pointing it out when authors choose to represent queer relationships the same way a heterosexual relationship would be portrayed is enough of an indicator that people are VERY contradictial and totally do not believe in what they stand for; like, do you want to break the stigma of queerness being just a sad story and actually have it be a normal thing, just like heterosexual relationships, or do you want to keep making the ridge between the two bigger than it already is?

Well thank you for that. I should correct my word for saying it's a full-on fantasy story since it really does happen in real life. The author's positive representation really does contribute to breaking stigmas and reshaping perceptions about homosexual relationships. However, looking at the vast reality of homosexuality, you shouldn't forget that there are queer people living in countries where being queer is heavily criminalized, discriminated, and seen as different from what they would label as "normal relationship" due to imposed beliefs and practices. Yes, queer people DO have happy lives and DO have supportive friends and families, but only SOME of them gets to experience that treatment, that's why I said that it was such a fantasy story, using the word fantasy to express how idealized the portrayed relationship in the story, and to add, yes, it does happen but not really alike the story and especially not generally to all, which is sad. Also, pointing this out doesn't always mean that we stand (not all) contradictory to the fights for breaking stigma around queerness and inclusivity, but please be reminded that it is crucial to acknowledge both to ultimately bridge tha gap. Considering that you can't easily persuade a person to understand what we are coming from and what we want them to understand. In addition, for you to be basing what I stand and fight for based off my initial comment is honestly not a strong enough indicator for you to be speculating things and jumping on to ideas that I, myself, is just fickle to what I stand for. You don't know me personally. That aside, I understand that you might have been trigerred by the way I would label it as a sure fantasy, and I apologize for that; however, my remarks for this story isn't applicable to the remarks I would be saying in real events. I am reflecting on this and I hope you do too. Have a nice day.
Both families being supportive as well as the people around them sure is a big win but this just shows how much of a fantasy story this is, and to top all of that with BEN BEING THE MOST GREENEST FLAG IN THE PLANET????????????? sure a nice day to die