I feel like people are probably gonna villainize this dude for breaking it down to Dan, bu...

Kokichi’s Grape Panta December 23, 2023 4:23 am

I feel like people are probably gonna villainize this dude for breaking it down to Dan, but honestly he spoke nothing but facts. objectifies his lovers and tosses them when he’s bored, Dan thinking otherwise is delusional. Hopefully true love will prevail in the end or whatever the fuck but Dan needs to take off his rise tinted glasses and realize his true position in ’s life, not the deluded idea of him having a shot at love with him at this rate.

    Kokichi’s Grape Panta December 23, 2023 4:24 am

    Rose tinted glasses*

    That Fujoshi December 23, 2023 4:44 am

    Yk what, Jaekyung has really helped dan soo much financially and it seems ppl don't realize it. Jaekyung literally paid Dan soo much money, even went to visit his granny in hospital and showed respect to her. Jaekyung even gave Dan tons of future salary and even let someone like him (a complete stranger), live with him in his house with him and where he lives alone (ig he doesn't fear anything or anyone because of his hot damn body), Jaekyung even saves uke from the loan sharks.
    Speaking from the point of view of a prostitute and his customer, no customer goes that far for a prostitute really. Jaekyung can have anyone and f*ck anyone. But no one could've helped Dan. So Dan is not 'forced' to live with Jaekyung. I'm not justifying Jaekyung's power play and other stuff because you know what, they're NOT in a relationship. For Jaekyung it's strictly 'fuck buddies' but Dan is starting to fall for him and realistically speaking anyone would fall for Jaekyung in real life because
    hey just imagine not having any kind of money but you really need it urgently for your sick granny in hospital. You work at many places but No place pays you much money and also loan sharks chase you every now and then. Then suddenly a job from a person shows up. And they literally seem like a guardian angel. Because they would literally give you the things which no one gave you before (point to be noted Kim Dan doesn't have parents so it makes all more sense to fall for someone who has done an act of kindness for you). The actual point here to be noted is that Jaekyung could have had anyone, could have literally helped dan once and let it be and move on. But he didn't. He helped Dan more with money, went to visit his granny, upgraded her hospital room, was really respectful to her, saved Dan from Gangsters/ loan sharks. Anyone less fortunate like Dsn in real life would fall for Jaekyung. I would.

    Kokichi’s Grape Panta December 23, 2023 7:55 am
    Yk what, Jaekyung has really helped dan soo much financially and it seems ppl don't realize it. Jaekyung literally paid Dan soo much money, even went to visit his granny in hospital and showed respect to her. J... That Fujoshi

    I get this. is a terrible person, but he’s done good things to better Dan’s position in life. Dan feels a sense of gratitude and indebtedness to that he’s never felt for anyone before (other than his grandma) and this created a sort of reverse savior complex for Dan. My main ick is that feels the exact same way. He believes he’s entitled to do these things to Dan because he’s helped Dan get out of one terrible situation even though he’s just placed Dan into another terrible situation. is domestically abusing Dan in this sense by expecting sexual favors in exchange for the things Dan is now reliant on in order to survive and provide for his hospitalized grandmother. Even if this relationship is transactional and consensual in the sense that both parties are willing, it’s emotionally manipulative. Dan does not deserve to be taken advantage of in any way, not even if it means he gets to sleep in a house with a private pool.

    That Fujoshi December 23, 2023 8:28 am
    I get this. is a terrible person, but he’s done good things to better Dan’s position in life. Dan feels a sense of gratitude and indebtedness to that he’s never felt for anyone before (other than his gr... Kokichi’s Grape Panta

    I think you're forgetting something, Jaekyung ACTUALLY PAID Dan FOR THE 'SEXUAL FAVOURS' And yes I agree it is DEFINITELY power play in their relationship. But Dan is basically prostituting himself. And sadly prostitutes are literally treated like this in even real life which is actually heart wrenching but it is not emotionally manupulative. Jaekyung never forced Dan. It was just the circumstance which looks like Jaekyung is manupulative but he is not. He did take advantage of the situation but not to the severe point that it can be called manupulation. It's just a feeling because if he really wanted to manupulate, he actually could've and would've done worse things.

    Kokichi’s Grape Panta December 23, 2023 9:01 am
    I think you're forgetting something, Jaekyung ACTUALLY PAID Dan FOR THE 'SEXUAL FAVOURS' And yes I agree it is DEFINITELY power play in their relationship. But Dan is basically prostituting himself. And sadly p... That Fujoshi

    But it is manipulative. knows full well of Dan’s economic situation and took advantage of that by using money in exchange for sex. Dan may be into the sex, but he still has no choice but to cooperate because the alternative is being raped by loansharks and living in poverty. This is economical abuse often portrayed in relationships with domestic violence. Even though Dan benefits from the situation he’s in no position to refuse ’s advances, and knows this making their relationship abusive and manipulative.

    Kokichi’s Grape Panta December 23, 2023 9:04 am
    But it is manipulative. knows full well of Dan’s economic situation and took advantage of that by using money in exchange for sex. Dan may be into the sex, but he still has no choice but to cooperate because... Kokichi’s Grape Panta

    To back up my claims just look at chapter 2. uses the 5k (basically chump change to ) that Dan needs in order to satisfy his jinx. He knows Dan needs this money and essentially uses a carrot and stick method to gain control over Dan and use him.

    LeRain December 23, 2023 9:11 am
    Yk what, Jaekyung has really helped dan soo much financially and it seems ppl don't realize it. Jaekyung literally paid Dan soo much money, even went to visit his granny in hospital and showed respect to her. J... That Fujoshi

    Girl him giving him money doesn’t justify abuse and rape. Prostitution is consensual. ML is a horrible person.

    That Fujoshi December 23, 2023 9:12 am
    To back up my claims just look at chapter 2. uses the 5k (basically chump change to ) that Dan needs in order to satisfy his jinx. He knows Dan needs this money and essentially uses a carrot and stick method t... Kokichi’s Grape Panta

    Taking advantage of someone one time doesn't automatically make them some master manupulator. Jaekyung was also in need to find someone cuz he kicked that ex partner earlier. Just my thoughts

    That Fujoshi December 23, 2023 9:15 am
    Girl him giving him money doesn’t justify abuse and rape. Prostitution is consensual. ML is a horrible person. LeRain

    There was no rape tho? It was dub con at most. Yes there was some sexual abuse but not rape

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 9:39 am

    Some prostitution is consensual. They can be rape or sexually assaulted. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/prostitution-buying-right-rape-rape-and-sexual-assault-iii-p-143#:~:text=Prostitution%20is%20sexual%20abuse%20because,very%20least%2C%20unwanted%20and%20coerced.

    Prostitution is sexual abuse because prostitutes are subjected to various sexual acts that in any other context, perpetrated against any other woman, would be labeled assaultive, or, at the very least, unwanted and coerced.

    There is no rape in Jinx.

    Jaekyung DID NOT know Dan needed money. Dan had chosen and had choices.

    That Fujoshi December 23, 2023 9:46 am
    Some prostitution is consensual. They can be rape or sexually assaulted. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/prostitution-buying-right-rape-rape-and-sexual-assault-iii-p-143#:~:text=Prostitutio... Morning Diamonds

    I agree with you

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 9:53 am
    There was no rape tho? It was dub con at most. Yes there was some sexual abuse but not rape That Fujoshi

    At parts it is dub con and non-con but not rape.
    Rape is non-con but non-con can many other things.

    ". The University will not tolerate rape, sexual assault, or other forms of sexual violence or nonconsensual sexual activity."

    Auniversity separating rape and nonconsensual

    Any actual or attempted nonconsensual sexual activity including, but not limited to: sexual intercourse, or sexual touching, committed without physical force, coercion, threat, or intimidation; exhibitionism or sexual language of a threatening nature by a person(s) known or unknown to the victim."
    Sexual touching is non con.

    “Nonconsensual pornography” is when a sexually graphic image of you is shared without your consent.

    Non-consensual sex takes many forms, including forced sex, transactional sex, cross-generational sex, unwanted touch, and molestation.

    Jinx is non-con (transactional sex) but it is not rape.

    If you are meaning non-con for only rape then Jinx is not non-con.

    That Fujoshi December 23, 2023 10:36 am
    At parts it is dub con and non-con but not rape. Rape is non-con but non-con can many other things. https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/nonconsensualhttps://academicaffairs.syracuse.edu/faculty-affairs/polic... Morning Diamonds

    Yeah bro

    LeRain December 23, 2023 4:42 pm
    Some prostitution is consensual. They can be rape or sexually assaulted. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/prostitution-buying-right-rape-rape-and-sexual-assault-iii-p-143#:~:text=Prostitutio... Morning Diamonds

    MC chose to sleep with Ml for money though so at their agreement is consensual. I'm not talking about people that are forced to prostitute, you’re missing my point.

    LeRain December 23, 2023 4:43 pm
    There was no rape tho? It was dub con at most. Yes there was some sexual abuse but not rape That Fujoshi

    Have you read it? MC didn’t give his consent and wished to stop numerous times, that’s rape.

    That Fujoshi December 23, 2023 4:46 pm
    Have you read it? MC didn’t give his consent and wished to stop numerous times, that’s rape. LeRain

    It's actually prostitution. Because Dan could've run away anytime really...

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 4:47 pm
    Have you read it? MC didn’t give his consent and wished to stop numerous times, that’s rape. LeRain

    No. You are missing the point. “MC CHOSE to sleep with ML for money so at their agreement is CONSENSUAL”.
    Dan gave his consent. He did say no. But he give the consent BACK! You are cherry picking to your pov.
    There is no rape in Jinx. Learn what rape is.

    Kokichi’s Grape Panta December 23, 2023 4:51 pm
    Rose tinted glasses* Kokichi’s Grape Panta

    Regardless of if it was textbook rape or not it was icky on numerous occasions and the underlying context signifies it’s not morally right either. Rape or no rape, Dan still needs to get out of that situation

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 4:52 pm
    MC chose to sleep with Ml for money though so at their agreement is consensual. I'm not talking about people that are forced to prostitute, you’re missing my point. LeRain

    Not all noes mean no.
    Read back. “No..I can do it.”
    Not all of Dan’s no was telling him no. They were answering questions.

    You have to understand both the characters. Sexual coercion is sexual assault but it is not rape. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/sexual-coercion#examples

    Only one example does that page says it is rape. The rest is sexual assault.

    Rape has no choice. Dan was given many opportunities and chances.

    As my friend would say, JK paid for sex not rape. Rape isn’t sex. If you think rape is sex then you need profession help.

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 4:54 pm
    It's actually prostitution. Because Dan could've run away anytime really... That Fujoshi

    Chapter 21 Dan run away.