See how you resorted to insults when I called you out? That means you don't have any valid points to make. And it's honestly so pathetic to see. If you can't respect someone else's opinion, you don't deserve to have one either. And don't show off your disgusting upbringing. Act civil when others are being nice. Curse words don't make your statement anymore strong. It just shows how fragile your ego is.
Pressed are we? Cry about it. I don't give a shit about you asshole. Don't even start with me because as far as I'm concerned this isn't a conversation as I have zero interest to even engage one with you. Go preach about your bullshit elsewhere bitch. The only basic thing I would be willing to comprehend right now is for you to FUCK OFF.
I'm sure your smart enough understand that right?. Well Good talk.
Are you honestly retarded? I thought there was a limit to being stupid but you proved me wrong. Continue your pathetic insults. They mean as little as the dirt under my shoes. I couldn't give a flying fuck as to why your lonely and unloved ass is being so rude and spreading hate and bullshit online. Instead of getting your panties in a twist, you might want to kill yourself. You're the only trash I see here. Lol so pathetic
Lmao.. your a dumb bitch who's brain dead who couldn't even comprehend shit when I've been already hinting you to 'go fuck yourself'. Are you really so full of it randomly jumping into other people's threads and forcing a lecture out of nowhere and start shit with me? ..I don't know what you're expecting to get something out of it but you seriously need to go outside and touch some grass. Maybe your already touching some considering how your projecting your pretentiousness and spouting nonsense that literally I give no fucks about.
Why don't you and your family die in a ditch. Because your nothing but Garbage to me. It's sad to be honest.
Ugh disgusting ... redemption arcs are overrated anyway. Imm a step away from this