I'm going to assume that the author might but nowhere in the past has there ever been magical birds and angels and magic and a kid running an entire large company that's been reincarnated. So having children executed is solely based on the author's creativity to me. Is it because the author doesn't know what to do with the little sister? That's just lazy writing then.
More than just a kid changing they explain it as her soul is absolutely white in that case it is bad as it indicates that she cannot change(I assume) as souls I would take it do not change it also links to why she is so evil she does not have the ability to comprehend good and bad right and wrong that's why they judged she cannot change (also the angel thing)
That's right! People can change just because they're empty, doesn't mean that there's a room to prove, in fact it means the opposite. She could be a canvas that could be painted over. I'm not the wide-eyed happy-go-lucky child I used to be. Totally different person from when I was 9 years old. I'm no longer shy and cry at everything or get my feelings hurt because somebody called me a mean name. I'm the one who knocks now. We all grow, besides this is a magical world where birds talk and there's a time machine and there's a piece of paper that can talk to space. There is no way that a soul cannot grow and change from being a child. Your kid! You shouldn't be put into a roll from the day you were born as if you're never going to change. That's a messed up world and I find a lot of fault in it. You don't execute 9-year-old children
That's our modern sensibilities. I also think it's messed up, but you misundertood what I said. I was explaining what the story told us. And for the story being empty is almost as bad having a soul full of hate when there's no way to put something inside, which is that girl's case. She almost killed her angel. So now the angel needs to abandon her to survive (since they take care of more than just one kid) once they get better enough to move or if she really gets her hands on the angel again, she will kill.
Okay I got that the kitchen be allowed near animals but she's being executed at how old? Isn't she 7 years old? That's a kid that's like a baby kid. I mean like with all the magic and soul reading and the animals, I mean let's just face it a lot of kids would probably tear the Wings off butterflies cuz they don't know any better but then you grow up and you learn empathy or you go to school and life gives you a few Hard Knocks until you learn to straighten out. I just believe that this whole you know, you're born with all your potential filled out already kind of thing is just a trite way of executing a small child
So... What the heck was this trial ? It was like : "They did it !" - The End.
I'm gonna assume the gladelises being the plaintiffs and the duke the defendant is a bad translation mistake, but that aside, the duke just accused them, Karshian gave testimony and that's all. That's the whole freaking trial. Like... What ?