Oh geez..."an ableist slur" lol. It's just a figure of speech and not aimed at actual people with a disability whom I've got nothing against btw so don't make me into someone I'm not thank you very much.
And no. It's not a false accusation. It is real, conscious or unconscious, sexism. So my speaking up about it isn't me being a snowflake. Everyone hating on female characters everywhere whenever they appear? That's sexist no matter how I see it and shouldn't be enabled.

You are quoting the ableist slur part as if that isn't exactly what it is. You thinking of it is a "figure of speech" does not stop it from being an ableist slur. So, saying that I am trying to "make you into something you are not" doesn't make sense. I didn't call you anything or say that you WERE ableist. I said you USED and ableist slur. You are just projecting. Just like if a non-black person called someone the n word for eating a certain type of food, using a certain vernaculars, or having certain hair. Or someone calling a non female presenting person a f** for wearing makeup and nail polish. They may may not be racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise, but they still used those terms freely in that way. The same way you called people the r slur to insult their intelligence and way of thinking and feeling . And of course you are right about people having misogynistic intentions for ridiculing romance in this situation. But there are so many other reasons people will want or not care for it. And I never called you a snowflake. I honestly think that that world is kind of childish, silly and dismissive. I said that you seemed more upset than these supposed "snowflakes"

Just saying it how I see it. It honestly gets really tedious. And some people will go all the way bitching about it even on platforms where the authors actually DO see their comments, downright pressuring and even kinda bullying them into "not adding romance" which is super disrespectful. Just take the author's work as is. They're allowed to do what they want with their work. If people don't like it, they should just reading it... Why continue to whine about it, it's so fucking annoying. Or better yet, how about they write their own stories and not add romance to them, see how they'd like it when people start bitching about this thing or that and pressure them into custom writing whatever they want. Ughhh.
It's really tiresome to keep reading all the variations of the same stupidass "I hope there is no romance" comment.
If there ends up being romance just stop reading this and do the rest of us a favor already!
I dont really get the instant hate on female characters? Ffs, let them be developed a bit first and see? If the character isn't one of those annoying ones who always cause problems to the MC then I don't see why it would bother you?
And FYI, Love is a normal part of life for the majority of people, therefore it is also expected for it to be somewhat present in a slice of life genre? As long as it's not the ecchi type harem I personally don't mind it at all?
Bottom line is some of yall are downright sexist and I'm sick of you getting your panties in a bunch over potential romance.