Also eggs aren't strong enough to withstand your hole??? It'll crack and I'm pre sure you're gonna get an infection if you do it with an actual egg
Unless you freeze it but idk about that putting foods inside your hole for self pleasure just don't sit with me right for various of reasons (personally)
i’m going to go look it up because i’m genuinely curious, however, i have heard that yolk-based lube is actually safe to use
post-search edit: so, the main thing to look out for if u shove an actual egg up your ass, is that with enough lube, if will go in- BUT, it poses a very real threat of getting stuck. which would result in forcing you to break the egg with your anus to get it out, which then leads to rectal bleeding (obviously. you just clenched ur hole around now broken pieces of a hard shell) and possibly even expanding your sphincter.
so, what have we learned? if you really really want to shove an egg up ur ass for whatever reason, use the toys that beom has, or tie the egg up in a condom! that way there’s a lil ballon knot that you can use to pull the egg out, and even if it does shatter (you should probably hard boil it and not just cold turkey shove it up there) the condom will save you from the embarrassment of shoveling egg out of your ass. at the very least, the egg itself doesn’t pose any threat of infections.
Wait are people putting actual eggs up their ass??? I thought they were toys