author should rename it to the hulk and the infant

Erina Arthur December 21, 2023 2:12 pm

what the fuck is this body difference
ridiculous and disgusting I could never take this shit seriously let alone find it even remotely attractive, pure poo poo

    LaNansha December 21, 2023 4:29 pm

    yeah it doesn’t turn me on either. Thought it was just me. I love them both and I love the story and I love their interactions, but a lot of the s*x scenes aren’t hot to me. I normally gravitate toward yaoi stories where both leads have similar body builds.

    Phime December 21, 2023 6:26 pm

    I agree as well. I think mr. Facescars is stupid hot, and I am preferring that Yeonjoo is at least legal and not being raped, but the sex scenes make me more angry than anything.

    Erina Arthur December 21, 2023 11:45 pm
    yeah it doesn’t turn me on either. Thought it was just me. I love them both and I love the story and I love their interactions, but a lot of the s*x scenes aren’t hot to me. I normally gravitate toward yao... LaNansha

    I don't mind size difference at times but this is extremely ridiculous and borderline infantilizing hetero-wannabe
    it's now distracting me even from the plot and everything

    Erina Arthur December 21, 2023 11:46 pm
    I agree as well. I think mr. Facescars is stupid hot, and I am preferring that Yeonjoo is at least legal and not being raped, but the sex scenes make me more angry than anything. Phime

    "being legal and not being raped"
    love how we settling for the bare minimum now

    Phime December 22, 2023 5:45 am
    "being legal and not being raped"love how we settling for the bare minimum now Erina Arthur

    To my credit, I am on the side of "FOR THE LITERAL LOVE OF FUCK CAN WE JUST STOP RAPEING USING "IT'S FICTION"? I mean seriously, it's not necessary! It's not hot (except for people with rape fetishes and even they have figured out ways to healthily roleplay that shit. There is no reason to glorify such terrible behaviour.

    I think I wouldn't get so worked up about it if it wasn't such a prominent trope. In most manga, bottoms apparently aren't allowed to enjoy sex regardless of their and/or their partner's gender. It bothers me so much because not only are they seemingly depicting rape as romance, they teach tops to ignore a bottom's language of consent, while implying taking what you want regardless of what literally anyone else says; while teaching bottoms that if they mean yes, say no and if you mean no… well you always mean yes, and being horny is synonymous to wanting to have sex… what do you mean people get hard just from being touched, entirely regardless of how said person ACTUALLY FEELS about any of what is happening.

    I have gotten to a point where I try to make excuses for the tops because the story was so good otherwise. The latest: "Well it's obvious that in the specific place the person grew up, their sex-ed is severely lacking and the students end up learning nothing about the boundaries drawn and importance of clear language in the art of strict consent.

    More than once have I sang a song I make up on the fly about the current character I so happen to be reading about who is going straight to jail because of bs like this and their unnecessarily vague, potential (although often flat out) stat. rape.

    I don't get both why this is so difficult to understand, not want some of these whole countries are so far behind many of us when it comes to sexual knowledge and the both want and ability to comfort our partners!