Can yall stop saying this has “cp”(the proper term is also csem) cuz it literally does...

menhera worm December 21, 2023 6:36 am

Can yall stop saying this has “cp”(the proper term is also csem) cuz it literally doesn’t, csem is ILLEGAL like puts you on a list and FBI comes for you illegal, this IS NOT, comparing real life sexual abuse of children to drawings of fake characters is insane and gross. You can dislike the story all you want(no one’s making u read it) but claiming this has CSEM is gross and wrong plz educate urself

    Viira December 22, 2023 3:19 am

    Go look up the laws if you dont believe me. Most countries, especially English speaking ones, would consider this illegal content. You would NEVER see this manga get licensed in the US. It doesn’t violate Japanese laws which is why it gets made and then taken from Japanese websites and distributed on websites like this because it’s so easy to obtain in Japan