
rr. December 21, 2023 6:09 am

eh gibaek is a scum, through and through. it's not he need to make up his mind. he just likes attention and siru is giving it to him. he's also somewhat insecure towards cheong. based on the raws, he went out on a date with siru to solidify his position as siru's crush. but he's not rlly sincere about it. siru can feel it too but not aware of what she's feeling is insincerity. her monologue is "she's supposed to be happy that gibaek is somewhat reciprocating but she doesn't feel happy at all how gibaek is approaching her. it felt too smooth like he already did it countless of times."

the season ended with gibaek forbidding siru to being friends at all with cheong, if she does he will date her. like whaaaaaaaaaaat. he's hanging the word you will date me like a carrot to siru and siru feels conflicted. she's so confused bc she doesn't understand gibaek's actions at all. (bc most likely gibaek is in one sided competition with cheong, it's not rlly about siru. it's about being better than cheong. and gibaek cant stand siru choosing cheong over and over again even by accident.)

the chapter ends with siru and her class cleaning a classroom that's full of mess and siru ends up cutting her hand (like rlly big cut) so she gets escorted by cheong on a diff classroom so they can patch it. cheong is urging siru to go the hospital bc he's rlly worried. and siru is like, you don't have to worry about me and asked cheong why are you doing this (like why is he being kind towards siru). and cheong's answer is because this is what i want to do. (SEE THE DIFFERENCE with gibaek???? cheong has no other ulterior motive. he's kind to siru bc he wants to be kind to her.)

gibaek then comes to the classroom where the ppl are cleaning up and wants to help but seeing siru is not around he asked where she is. and when he saw siru and cheong together he got rlly maaaaaaaaad. and started giving siru the ultimatum. him or cheong.

and cheong was like 'bro??? siru is hurt????? cmon' and siru got fed up bc (nonverbatim) what is wrong with gibaek!!!! when she confessed to him, gibaek drew a line and said they will be staying as friends. siru has alrdy made peace with it but gibaek's sudden change of heart is rlly confusing her and creeping her out. bc from staying to friends then to gibaek suddenly making her choose, if it's gibaek or cheong.

siru screamed at gibaek that cheong is better than gibaek (that's my girl)

and then the class went in to the empty classroom siru cheong and gibaek staying at bc they were supposed to have a pizza party after cleaning up and witnessed siru screaming cheong is better than gibaek while holding gibaek up with her two hands like she's about to beat him up.
