Dont say he is a slut :/ he is a victim ngl and if someone thinks what happens to him is hot has some issues,not the author’s fault.
Like dont read it,you arent obligated!! Not every bl will be sunshine and rainbows, some will be heavy. What happens to him,happens irl too.
This author doesnt make happy characters, they are broken ones

Op didn’t call him a slut re-read their comment again
Also saying it’s not the authors fault while the author is writing that shit is kinda dumb? Like they’re the ones making it, clearly the author enjoys writing shit like that if it’s a common occurrence. And saying not every bl is going to be sunshine’s and rainbows is true, but this story has not enjoyable plot, so who was it made for? The authors own pleasure.

Exactly. They don’t have a story where uke isn’t assaulted/raped. Personally I don’t see too much of an issue if it’s said in the story that they were raped, but it’s more of an issue that they draw all the details of the rape scene and blushing expressions, etc. Not really realistic to how victims would be feeling, even after years victims don’t just get used to this shit.
Sure the MC is a prostitute so I guess that kinda alleviated things and MC was forced to accept the way things are. Author isn’t really creative.
The art is really nice and clean.

Right!! I always disliked how whenever a story contained rape or any event like that, comments would defend it saying “it’s realistic” yet the author continues to make it just a random event that serves no purpose. Like if you really wanna make it realistic why don’t you show how that event could affect the person and their relationships with others. How traumatic that is and how much it could change someone. But no, instead it’s romanticized and completely ignored. Like it’s not realistic if the character gets over it like it was nothing.

Literally. Art is so good but the writing is repeated and gets kinda shitty. After all the rape the uke goes through, it’s kinda just brushed aside after a few chapters. No therapy, no psychological effects really shown like victims suffer in reality, it’s def sexualized and that’s why the author draws it graphically.
Art is so good but I wish they would change it up a bit on their writing. Victims, regardless if they’re prostitutes, don’t just get used to it tbh. They learn to suppress their feelings and deal with it alone, that’s what MC is doing here and we can see he’s also scared but man the expressions not matching sometimes haha…

“The uke is either assaulted or a slut” like wtf does that mean???????which character is this about?
You know, you all read a lot of these heavy and toxic ones to be complaining why the authors write it,cause this is why they write it,it has a big audience. Everyone keeps reading it cause horrible things are thrilling,not in a negative way,in my case i read it cause i like to see the character get out of the mess and get better.
Comments complaining how this author makes heavy mangas and keep reading them? Thats dumb,to keep reading an author that triggers you.
Im not saying what happens in the manga is fine,thats for the reader to decide. Its awful and if people enjoy it then they have problems,
If the author thinks what they draw. Is okay then thats wrong too,but we dont know that. You read their work too,should i assume you enjoy assault cause you read it?

I’m not complaining about the dark theme, it’s more of how unnecessary it is for the author to show all the rape details. It doesn’t add anything to the plot. I don’t demand they censor everything out, more like it’s not necessary to put all the graphic details out continuously, it gets repetitive. And I don’t see the issue with wanting that to be reduced a bit. And this is coming from someone who reads gore stories.
I don’t find stories to just comment, people are free to comment whatever they want and shouldn’t be criticized for how they feel. They can read and criticize, it shouldn’t be anyone’s problem. This author definitely fetishizes and depicts the psychological effects on victims of assault not as realistically, it gets brushed aside easily. That’s more of my issue than the censoring.
I only mentioned the unnecessary amount of graphic details of rape, and it’s so normalized. It shouldn’t be regardless if it’s fiction or not. Fiction can literally inspire future criminals, and it has in the past, so it being a fiction isn’t a good reason. People say “it’s fiction so whatever”, it’s getting old and just not a good enough reason. But I understand that some people can separate reality, some can’t. While I can, I will continue to criticize the author for the amount of repetiveness. I don’t mind the rape portrayal, honestly, I just wish they didn’t continue showing it in almost every chapter.
It’s not hard for the author to depict rape without continuously showing it in almost every chapter. In fact it’ll reduce their work load for processing all these repetitive assault portrayal. I do like that the author doesn’t show that the MC enjoys it, in fact he seems to despise it and he has a limp dick for proof he doesn’t enjoy it.
Our comments, or at least mine, are completely valid and people are free to criticize as long as they aren’t sending author death threats over this fiction story, it’s ridiculous to send that amount of hate to be honest. I am fine if it’s just pointing out how repetitive the rape portrayals can get, and it’s true that many authors fetishize rape and rape kinks actually exist! I say that because I have a rape kink, not because I wanted to have that kink but because it stems from my trauma of being a victim of rape for years.
Some people also struggle from intrusive thoughts and can’t help but check for every story updating or they can’t rest, that’s the case for me. But another reason I continue reading is because I kinda find peace within this chaos of a story. I know there will be actual peace in the future of this story because the good ML is here.
Another reason I enjoy reading this is because of the dark themes, I just don’t get the unnecessary amount of rape scenes, it gets boring chapter after chapter is my point. I’m not exactly shocked by it, I’ve seen it too much. But the repetition criticism is a constructive criticism, not meant any hate towards the author.

I feel like most of the hate author gets is just projected feelings.Especially people who keep reading it!!! I dont know if its guilt for reading it or anything else tbh
. You cant decide why the author writes it or if they enjoy assaulting their characters,thats too far. You read gore,you know authors dont hold back to show what they want to show.
Its more worrisome to say this is romantic but noone says that.
Or saying fiction inspires criminals. It more of the opposite actually. You give too much credit to bls,the problem lies in people,in the way they are raised,in many things. If a bl makes you treat your lover like shit,its not just the bl.
If you cant handle it then dont read it. I didnt read mature until i was over 18,im not kidding you. There are readers here who are minors and its scary they read this. They get impressed or influenced,they take it too seriously, get troubled.
This is a mature genre,you can literally fast read those scenes,what i do, or even better,not read it. So its hypocritical to read mature stuff,knowing the summary too and acting surprised its heavy,graphic. About a prostitute too,they dont lead an easy life.
If this manhwa is made to only please the small group of people that has the horrible fetish to see assault,then you win.But here we are waiting for him to be saved,
Satisfied cause it gets better,the author uses that uk
I feel you when you say you find peace in the chaos cause same,plus there is the ml who is a good guy.im here for him,if he was the same as the rest i would drop it

No I’m just saying their trope is overused and repetitive. And the amount of rape scenes is unnecessary when it doesn’t add anything to the plot, they can reduce the rape scenes and it’s still gonna be good as hell. I know it’ll still be good even if there isn’t much smut because their art is awesome and some details they put in their work is great too.
As for criminals inspiring fiction, both are true. These types of stories can definitely inspire people to do shitty stuff in real life, or unlock a kink for it at least, and authors write these type of stuff because of what they know from the real world too.
I read these types since I was in 3rd-4th grade, can’t remember but it’s been a long time. I’ve gotten used to these type of stuff but the repetive rape scenes are getting boring, that’s all. You don’t know how much I’ve seen these type of shit to the point I’m complaining that it’s repetitive lmao, haha. I bet this is gonna go on for another 50 chapters before he’s saved.
And I’m not acting surprised, I know what I’m reading, I’m just complaining that there’s too many unnecessary rape scenes. I don’t get why the author wants to show all that, it’s true that some authors fetishize these type of stuff because it happens, there are authors known for their feitshization and unnecessary rape scenes (no reason being one example). Their other work is also similar. I don’t mind rape being depicted, but at least portray it the way it really is and display the psychological effects it would have on the victims.
Exactly this trope is overused. MC waiting to be saved, he isn’t waiting to be saved but he has to be saved regardless. I don’t see why it’s always the ukes that are assaulted, I need to see more of semes being assaulted portrayed too.
Thank gosh the ML is good. It’s always the ML that gotta watch their uke be fucked over, it gets annoying but whatever. I wish they’d change it up a bit but I can read this fine. It’s not too bad.

I feel like this is a dumb take because sad movies exist… should they not be made because it’s not happy? the plot is not enjoyable because right now the MC is in a difficult time. Idk what you view As the definition of plot but clearly, you can tell this story is about Yona and Chang ji and their story about how they came together.
I wish there was a way that we could choose to mute some authors and every work they make because this author is weird af. Always making ukes that are raped and assaulted or are either sluts like they can't draw something where there is no sexual assault. So weird