It’s sad but I would stand by a man like oya too

HOLY+WATER December 19, 2023 5:34 pm

It’s sad but I would stand by a man like oya too

    octotooth January 17, 2024 9:16 pm

    nah cause when I was reading it, I was just thinking to myself "Wow the family should be grateful they have a rich and handsome son-in-law who treats their daughter like a rare jewel, who cares he's in the mafia".

    HOLY+WATER January 18, 2024 5:34 am
    nah cause when I was reading it, I was just thinking to myself "Wow the family should be grateful they have a rich and handsome son-in-law who treats their daughter like a rare jewel, who cares he's in the mafi... octotooth

    Like right?? And he’s literally DIE for her . What else they want ffs

    HOLY+WATER January 18, 2024 5:34 am
    Like right?? And he’s literally DIE for her . What else they want ffs HOLY+WATER


    Kadidja March 17, 2024 4:32 pm
    Like right?? And he’s literally DIE for her . What else they want ffs HOLY+WATER

    Because it means Yuri’s life, her friends lives and her family’s lives will always be in danger. Yuri does not understand (yet) that her loved ones will ALWAYS be seen as a target to take her down regardless if she says goodbye to them or not. Yuri has the backing of Oya, so she can easily say that. If Oya can die for her, then why can’t he let her go? Yuri will live a lonely life from now on. Then again, it’s manga so :)

    Kadidja March 17, 2024 4:34 pm
    Because it means Yuri’s life, her friends lives and her family’s lives will always be in danger. Yuri does not understand (yet) that her loved ones will ALWAYS be seen as a target to take her down regardles... Kadidja

    Without Oya, Yuri is powerless. So, she has to learn how to have power for herself to protect her and her loved ones. Plus, the effects of getting disowned WILL make Oya rethink his relationship with Yuri.