Trigger Warning: Child Rape, Child Prostitution, Explicit Depiction of Child Rape and sexual torture

forreal December 19, 2023 1:11 pm

Trigger Warning: Child Rape, Child Prostitution, Explicit Depiction of Child Rape, Explicit Depiction of Child Sexual Torture, Incest Child Rape, Disgusting Father, Disgusting Brother

His father sold him into prostitution as a child. Father should be burned alive. Just a disgusting human being. I feel so sorry for Kei. He had to deal with a a lot. He is mentally very disturbed. No child should go through this.

This manga did mess me up. The thought process of the child going through this, not understanding why this is happening to him. Going as far as thinking that the adults were jailed but he was not just because he is a child is stupid. Really heart wrenching. Have to say this part of the portrayal is well written. But I definitely could have done without the explicit child rape scenes (PLAIN DISGUSTING). The author even drew explicit sexual torture scenes regarding the child. DISGUSTING. I can't say how disgusting I feel regarding this.

Another issue I have with this manga..
If the father wanted money, then why did he just prostitute the light haired guy. Kei has a brother too, why wasn't he (Disclaimer: I am not saying he should have been. please read on). I feel this is just because of Kei's unique light haired and eyes. Just some twisted case of racial domination.

Just found out that the brother, dad or grandparent also raped him. DISGUSTING Author. Racial Domination. Has something against light haired people.

This seriously messed me up. Wish I did not read this. WISH THERE WAS SOME TRIGGER WARNING FOR THIS.. Whenever I am reminded of this and the disgust reaches a certain level I come here to rant about it.

    lostikins April 13, 2024 3:16 am

    Are you fucking delusional lol

    He was sold 'cause he reminded everyone around him of his mother that abandoned them all. His brother wasn't sold 'cause he wasn't attractive enough. Freckles aren't really seen as "beautiful" and tbh he's got the face of a pig even as a kid.

    To address what you said about how the artist depicted the SA scenes of Kei as a kid; that was the artist's choice to drive a deeper emotional response in readers. Not everything is gonna just be "implied" when it comes to series with more adult/mature themes. And let's be fucking honest here, ya'll would bitch even if it wasn't depicted visually at all 'cause "anyone who draws fictional cartoon kids in a bad situation is a disgusting pedo" is a common thought process with you lot.

    Now either nut up or shut up.

    forreal April 14, 2024 1:37 pm

    First of, not everyone who is sold into prostitution is glaringly attractive or beautiful. If the parents can sell one they can sell the other as well. Get a reality check.

    So you are saying just knowing a child (who is not supposed to have anything to do with sexual situations) is repeatedly r@ped is not enough to disgust you. You need someone to show that "RAPE" and "SEXUAL TORTURE" on a CHILD explicitly for you to understand it's wrong? WOW...

    There is a thing called child r@pe/sexual fetishism. This is basically it. Plain and simple.

    And coming to your first sentence.. I don't think I'm as delusional as you are, that I can't identify problematic stuff and condemn it.

    Also, ever heard of polite speech?

    forreal April 15, 2024 2:52 am

    Additionally, keeping moral conduct aside, this is actually illegal in lot of countries since this is basically child p0rn. I don't understand how Japan actually allows these types of content to be published without any consequences.