Next thing you see is that he dropped that thing on purpose cuz he know uke will pick it u...

Sunskitten December 19, 2023 11:49 am

Next thing you see is that he dropped that thing on purpose cuz he know uke will pick it up and would go return it, he knows he's going in rut he also knows uke will leave the country soon he's an exchange student right? Idk man he just looks fking sly he ain't dropping that thing by mistake. Maybe he just didn't assume uke will run away. He could have thought this will tie him to seme or smg. Hope am wrong cuz the whole thing would be manipulative af but he looks like he'll do it

    Mirin December 19, 2023 12:36 pm

    Your theory has possibility. But why did seme say that they're just fwb, and act disgusted by Uke thinking they are something

    Sunskitten December 19, 2023 12:39 pm
    Your theory has possibility. But why did seme say that they're just fwb, and act disgusted by Uke thinking they are something Mirin

    Exactly like bitch shouldn't you have cleared it before??? Why act like a domestic couple and then say we just fwb?? Like make it make sense. I guess he realised he wanted uke back but his everest size ego wouldn't allow him to talk it out like adults?? This trying to bend him with excuse of a rut like dropping that thing next to uke is too sus

    DaddyMilkers December 19, 2023 12:40 pm

    That literally sounds spot on

    Sunskitten December 19, 2023 12:44 pm
    That literally sounds spot on DaddyMilkers

    Like seme has all qualities of a toxic alpha

    Mirin December 19, 2023 12:52 pm
    Exactly like bitch shouldn't you have cleared it before??? Why act like a domestic couple and then say we just fwb?? Like make it make sense. I guess he realised he wanted uke back but his everest size ego woul... Sunskitten

    Right. Only EGO and PRIDE that moved this MF. I just despise his antics as if Uke may only breath by his will. Uke is indeed an idiot when he fall for Seme, but it isn't an excuse for Seme to treat Uke like that. Such fine art, wasted by rotting plots.

    Sunskitten December 19, 2023 12:56 pm
    Right. Only EGO and PRIDE that moved this MF. I just despise his antics as if Uke may only breath by his will. Uke is indeed an idiot when he fall for Seme, but it isn't an excuse for Seme to treat Uke like tha... Mirin

    uke really thought seme liked him.. Yk since he didn't clear it up uke was free to make his assumptions. I mean imagine who would think the guy you're rolling around in sheets and cooking in kitchen together happily is just looking for sex n nothing else. If he at least knew smgh he wouldn't have continued it long ago or would have made sure he never brought it up. Uke really is a victim here man.. I feel bad for characters like this thinking there are actually this kind of people out there in similar situation. That's why I hate this seme with everything I have.

    Mirin December 19, 2023 1:13 pm
    uke really thought seme liked him.. Yk since he didn't clear it up uke was free to make his assumptions. I mean imagine who would think the guy you're rolling around in sheets and cooking in kitchen together ha... Sunskitten

    I've been in this phase of trying to defend Uke while some just think Uke being stupid by coming back to apartment just to turn back the inhibitor. They got mad for Uke has no spine and only his fault presenting himself to Seme. So I told them not anyone can shake off their feeling even after they got hurt. Maybe Uke did make an excuse just to see Semee one last time by turning back that inhibitor. However, not everyone has strong heart aand will. Why do you think abused victim stay with their abuser? Its not like they re shackled at home, yet they don't just run away. This topic just heart breaaking. People just keep blaming the victim.

    nina0628 December 19, 2023 1:18 pm

    I really think that you are spot on for this one. I only have two questions tho. Why did seme finished their fwb relationship then? He could just have keep going for it until uke went back to Korea, right? Second, why did take seme so long to figure out that he mated with uke? He didn't remember that day, but he never thought of looking for him all those years. I know that he thought that uke was a beta, but he never checked even once?

    Sunskitten December 19, 2023 1:28 pm
    I've been in this phase of trying to defend Uke while some just think Uke being stupid by coming back to apartment just to turn back the inhibitor. They got mad for Uke has no spine and only his fault presentin... Mirin

    Exactly we can't just turn off our feelings. There is always something lingering behind and uke did shut off seme when he claimed to be just fwb. If uke was stupid he wouldn't have cut him off. Maybe he really wanted to say goodbye and yk get that closure so he can move on but it went downhill... He was resisting when he realised what was going on. If he was like people r saying he would have jumped on the chance since till end he thought he was a beta and that didn't meant anything

    Sunskitten December 19, 2023 1:36 pm
    I really think that you are spot on for this one. I only have two questions tho. Why did seme finished their fwb relationship then? He could just have keep going for it until uke went back to Korea, right? Seco... nina0628

    I think the reason he ended things was cuz uke wasn't responsive like before. check out that rain scene, seme decided everything by himself and left him in the rain and about the beta thing I think even uke thought he was a beta. He's a late bloomer ig. Semes rut triggered his heat prolly that's why he was trying to run away after smelling seme scent( phenomenon or whatever it's called) I guess even he didn't know it that's why in last scene he was like that bite is still there and he believes that an alpha and beta can't bond, him wondering why the bite mark was still there proves even he thought he was a beta and didn't think he could actually be bonded to seme. Maybe he thought it didn't matter since he was beta and left without any other word to seme but when he returned he found out he was an omega and pregnant omega on top of it. I hope it helps am just rambling at this point

    AWinterWonderLand December 19, 2023 1:56 pm

    This theory isn't even a possibility. Did you forget Ian NEVER WANTED ANYTHING TO DO WITH OMEGAs??? In school, according to YeJun, he never socialized with omegas, and he had only had sex with betas, or at least with YeJun, who is a beta, PRECISELY BECAUSE of what had ended up happening to him. You see he knows about YeJun's crush on him. And all he would have had to do is look Noah's way, nod his head, and Noah would have COME RUNNING. Why would he resort to such lowly and underhanded method?!?

    He CLEARLY had avoided omegas, only had sexual relations and socializes with betas and alphas, and when he was in rut, had released pherormones that is supposed to repel omegas so that they don't approached him. His pheromones spoke of "an utter desolation"- which is a form of self-isolation, or "other isolation" so that wouldn't end up mating and marking and getting an omega pregnant. Did you guys miss all of the crucial clues?!?

    DoYoon CLEARLY hadn't even wanted a serious, choosing only to have FWB relationships. WHAT made you THINk that he had wanted to settle down and a random omega who had walked into his house of his OWN volition?!? Ian is the one who had made the decision to break it off because he had no emotional ties to Noah that way. In no way would he have enticed Noah in such a malicious and UNDERHANDED way. No matter HOW you view the alpha, he ain't a scumbag like that.

    AWinterWonderLand December 19, 2023 1:59 pm
    I've been in this phase of trying to defend Uke while some just think Uke being stupid by coming back to apartment just to turn back the inhibitor. They got mad for Uke has no spine and only his fault presentin... Mirin

    But...he wasn't being abused though?!! He was just in are the two even equal?!? Wat terrible analogy....

    DaddyMilkers December 19, 2023 2:01 pm
    Like seme has all qualities of a toxic alpha Sunskitten

    Absolutely. He literally raped him and treated him like a fleshlight

    Peepee in the poopoo December 19, 2023 2:05 pm
    This theory isn't even a possibility. Did you forget Ian NEVER WANTED ANYTHING TO DO WITH OMEGAs??? In school, according to YeJun, he never socialized with omegas, and he had only had sex with betas, or at leas... AWinterWonderLand

    Ofc not, hes not the type of scumbag that drops a suppressant on purpose but he is indeed the type of scumbag that rapes the birth giver of his child, lmao.

    Ian wanted a Fwb relationship but did he make that clear to the other party beforehand? No he did not. Not until Noah asked him what they were.

    Did Noah go to ians place knowing he was in a rut and with the intention to get marked? No he did not.
    Why did he go to ians place? To see his stupid ass one last time.idk man seems like you are the one missing all crucial things/ points here.

    Sunskitten December 19, 2023 2:07 pm
    This theory isn't even a possibility. Did you forget Ian NEVER WANTED ANYTHING TO DO WITH OMEGAs??? In school, according to YeJun, he never socialized with omegas, and he had only had sex with betas, or at leas... AWinterWonderLand

    You think seme knows uke is omega? Even uke doesn't seme to know it. And walked into his house with own volition? You really think he just went there to fuck? He broke off fwb thing cuz noah no longer wanted to fwb when he realised that's what it was, seme wanted to keep pretending that convo never happened and go back to being domestic fwb. You think he did him a favor by breaking it off?? I would have understand the whole thing if seme had just fking cleared it in beginning like an adult, did he consider ukes feelings?? It wouldn't have mattered if it was cleared before and uke had went ahead n fell in love on his own. And I don't really care how you view that alpha, till now with what I have read and UNDERSTOOD IN MY OWN WAY I will see him as a scumbag until upcoming chapters changes my view. Your opinion won't do shit about changing mine just cuz you are typing in caps. I stated my theory as my opinion ain't no one shoving it down your throat for you to defend him like that under my comment.

    Mirin December 19, 2023 2:08 pm
    But...he wasn't being abused though?!! He was just in are the two even equal?!? Wat terrible analogy.... AWinterWonderLand

    He is abused.
    Noah just want to stay away from Ian, but there he is can't be content seeing Noah in peace. Ian must get his way to torment Noah. He won't be satisfy if Noah can live without his influence.

    Your POV of forcing Ian as an innocent party here is just sickening. I won't deal with your peanut brain anymore. Your effort just useless. Witnessing you try hard in everyone's comment just pitiful. Don't you have some shame?

    Sunskitten December 19, 2023 2:13 pm
    But...he wasn't being abused though?!! He was just in are the two even equal?!? Wat terrible analogy.... AWinterWonderLand

    Do you think abuse is just of physical kind?? And op did not stated seme was a abuser. Read their comment again. .

    Mirin December 19, 2023 2:21 pm
    Do you think abuse is just of physical kind?? And op did not stated seme was a abuser. Read their comment again. . Sunskitten

    My dear, that person just insane. Take a look of previous posters. They're everywhere in every comments that toning this abuse and rape are wrong. Defending their god; IAN in every way possible even if it is not make any sense. Save your time from a stupid game they making. Just block them. They can't make anymore comment in your post.

    Sunskitten December 19, 2023 2:26 pm
    My dear, that person just insane. Take a look of previous posters. They're everywhere in every comments that toning this abuse and rape are wrong. Defending their god; IAN in every way possible even if it is no... Mirin

    Just saw their comment on other one. Ig rape is forgiven in omegaverse. Just cuz a character is an omega what happens without his consent ain't rape.

    Mirin December 19, 2023 2:32 pm
    Just saw their comment on other one. Ig rape is forgiven in omegaverse. Just cuz a character is an omega what happens without his consent ain't rape. Sunskitten

    That person insanity just broken beyond hope. I guess they must be some child who supposed not to visit this website. Their view for the world just naive.