Lmaooo all this rant only for you to have biased view too. I don't really care if you side with the love interest but dude you need to stop watering down the abusive things he did to the mc.
Also, I found this comment you made:
"Noah is no victim. He places himself in that situation. Nobody asked him to show up at Ian's doorstep."
Huh? It's crazy how you think mc is complicit to the abuse he has suffered from the main lead. The victim blaming and dickriding you're doing is downright insane.
He didn't have a reason to be there. And how is he the victim if Ian didn't have control over his basic , primal alpha urges?!? I'm assuming your read enough ABO to realize this. It's not simple pheromones to attract mate, if causes them to go into heat. Ian was NOT expecting Noah to be there. He didn't summon him. Dude went there on his own. If Ian had been lucid he would NOT have yanked Noah inside after having already broken up and distancing himself until Noah decided to show up. How is it his fault that Noah had turned?!? He didn't summon Noah there. Now, tell me, which reason was valid for Noah to show up at all?!? The inhibitor?!? I think not. Dude didn't even know to use it. He HIMSELF had said that he was using the inhibitor "as an excuse to go see Ian one last time". He was sad unfortunatell victim of fate and biology. Ian, his right mind, would NOT have resumed any FURTHER sexual activities with Noah, because he is the sensible one. The one with emotional attachment is Noah which is why he came seeking Ian.
Can you imagine WHAT kind of convos they would have had if Ian hadn't been rutting?!? A VERY AWKWARD one.
Look. Ian never told him to go to his house, and they didn't ever agree to meet. He showed up at Ian's place out of the blue. Yes, he texted Ian, but Ian hadn't read the texts, presumably because he was already high in rut. And if they hadn't communicated since they'd broken up he had no reason to expect him. So Ian didn't even know he was coming.
And I don't know why you kept saying Noah is a victim when Ian CLEARLY didn't want to have sex w/ Noah when Noah had wanted more than a FWB relationship, and never wanted to have sex with omegas, but yet Noah showed up, got turned into an omega by his pheromones, which he wasn't even AWARE of doing, and then he forced the omega into heat, because it's a natural phenomenon for alphas in heat?!? Like, he didn't have any control over his rut ...and nobody (ahem, looking at you YeJun) had known to inject him the inhibitor - makes no sense to try to give it back when he doesn't even know when to use it. Anyways, everything Ian did was not withing is control, inducing an omega to go into heat, which causes the omega to be receptive to the rutting alpha, ALL very natural and part of the order of things in an omegaverse. And then the desire to mark the omega came out, as well as the instinct to impregnate said omega. Now, IF Ian HAD done this INTENTIONALLY, then yes, it's abuse.an was gone in the upper highs sky and you can still blame him. That's h-i-l-a-r-o-u-s.
And once the alpha had the omega turned on, the omega releases his own pheromones which then attracts the alpha, so that it's a back-and-forth interaction (it's like a mating call for birds or whatever, but with chemical signalling & messaging, in a dance). This mutual dance then becomes this frenzied thing until the mark has been achieved. I don't know why ppl are blaming Ian when 1) he's under the influence of his sexual instincts and sex hormones and then in addition, the turned on omega's pheromones. In a regular world, the two, alpha and omega, would just be doing this naturally, like in the wild you see rutting animals. As well, ppl also go at it like animals, just without all this intense rutting and without pheromonal influence. I'm not sure what's so surprising about that. and 2) Noah came out of nowhere. And 3) if Noah or another beta had been around they would have only experienced rough sex, not a bond, and definitely not a pregnancy. It was just all fate and circumstance. This was NOT CREATED BY Ian. And lastly, blaming Ian for the mark doesn't make sense, precisely because of all of the reasons above. First of all, Ian had NEVER want to be w/ omegas, secondly, he didn't want a serious relationship, and LASTLY he was not expecting an omega or one that WAS susceptible to being tranformed/differentiate into an omega on the VERY day he was going into rut. And yes, while the alpha has to do the marking for it to work he didn't force the mark. If by force you mean because he was forced by his instincts and the omega's pheromes, then yes. But an intentional forcing by a lucid alpha, then no. He was enticed by the omega and his pheromones and his own alpha instinct to mark him. That's what you get for messing with an alpha. I know YeJun didn't go there knowing he had turned, but regardless, he was a victim of circumstance and as well as for Ian. I would've liked to say that both are unfortunate except Noah REALLY REALLY likes being Ian's omega, and if Ian hadn't felt the same way, then that REALLY sucks for him. And it sucks ppl say that Ian marked him ("bit him first"- I mean should he wait for the omega to bite HIM first?!?) when ofc he is the one who has to do the marking.....so blaming the marking on him as he is the one who has to do it didn't even make any sense. It's like saying, oh the omega attracted me w/ his scent and seduced me and opened his neck for me to bite him. Like what?!??! I mean...so if the omega did that and Ian was unwilling it's still blamed on Ian anyways?!? I mean, how else was this gonna go down?!?
Yeah, in the first chapter he definitely came off as a jerk though. But he really loves Noah's pheromones, once he's got it forced out of him. He had said :" ~ Ah, this is the (pheromone) scent I remember" (when, according to him, he had remembered nothing else). Since recessive omegas don't exude a scent, so there's no way to know until the heat is induced. Anyways, regardless of what happens now, they're bonded. So there's no getting around that fact.
Bro are we even reading the same webtoon? You claim to have critical thinking skills but dang, look at all these points you are trying to make. All these word salads just really serve to manipulate folks into believing the love interest is not as bad as he seems.
Preach all you want but it is evident how biased you are. I know most readers learn to separate fiction and reality and I really hope this applies to you as well. Because the way how you strongly defend the love interests actions make me honestly fear what your real life views on abuse are.
Also, you have the choice not to reply but you chose to reply so why are you complaining lmao.
Anyway, this will be my last reply cause I have to finish work. Good talk though.
It's funny you just said that "ppl know how to differentiate life and fiction" but you failed to grasp that I do know this is fiction and yet you just equate my "dissection of Omegaverses" which we ALL know is a make-believe world....well, ALL fiction are make believe, but at least those are on a MORE believable ground than a man getting pregnant and being influenced by ruts and pherormones, and YET you equate this reality from my dissection AS IF I WOULD APPLY my knowledge to the real world. It makes so little sense you would equate that. I'm not sure how or why you would judge me based on my analysis of a FICTIONAL piece into caring about who I am as a person in the REAL world. You forget this piece and many other works are always very biased, esp. in love stories like these, told from a perspective of a weaker person, subjected to his emotions and acting on emotions rather than rational decisions. I'm not sure why you would question my very being as someone who "has questionable judgment" in real life because I can critique a piece of literature that other ppl can't?!? More objectively?!? I'm not going off of Noah's delusional thinking. Puh-lease. Don't be questioning my morality when we're LITERALLY discussing a piece of fictional work. ¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯
I'm the biased one?!? I don't think Noah is a character worthy of pity. This makes my view somehow biased. When the funny thing is that ppl are so quick to judge and side with that character. I don't know why we're going down this path again. It's already written in my post and my other essays. Go read or not but I'm tired of this discussion.
It's simple. In a story there are always multiple sides. The MC's. The ML's. The other characters' in the stoy. And us, the readers.
If ALL you can see is the MC's view point - that is, his interpretation of things - and can ONLY empathize with the MC AND believe in his plight, that's a very filtered way of viewing the world. The world isn't black and white. The MC in this comic is NOT a victim. When I do my analysis, it is a balanced viewpoint, not the MC's viewpoint alone. Sympathizing with a character is easy, but are the reasons valid?!? Is your head clear when you're making this judgement?!? To do so with an open mind and a fair assessment is not easy. In THIS case, ppl are blindly arguing and taking the MC's side without considering ALL of the facts, because they are so emotionally invested in this MC who is ALSO A VERY "Empathize-able" character. Emotions move people. I get it. The very word emote means "to move". It's ok. Not everyone can see everything. But don't call me dumb because you can't see everything and taking sides because I'm NOT on the side of the ML. But I see his plight. Which means I'm seeing the whole and not just the half - and by half don't forget the half we see is ONLY YeJun's p.o.v. - which is very biased 1) because he is VERY emotional (and emotionally invested in our ML) and 2) is very airheaded and a weak, pathetic character - so it is TYPICAL that as emotional people we tend to connect with the weak, and not the strong and 3) YeJun's filtered p.o.v. takes up 90% of our screen time, meaning when we see half, we really really only see 10% of the story from DoYoon's side, everything ELSE is the filtered 90% of the story from YeJun's "half". Actually, I'm giving it a HUGE margin, but everything is literally from YEJUN'S p.o.v. so technically it's 100% pure bias. If you can compress YeJun's 100% down to at least 20% then you can begin to see Ian's side of the story. We don't really see other characters and their viewpoints in this situation, so ALL we can interpret is what we see between these two characters ONLY. So we only have two sides of the story, plus our own (interpretation). However, unlike the characters in the story, we are ONLY privy to ONE. And that one seems to have compressed the WHOLE 90% of the screen. Which means we are ONLY seeing that 90%. If ONLY 10% is left for presentation of the other person then ofc the viewpoint would be skewed. The author did a good job of getting us to see things ONLY through the "poor omega's p.o.v." and because he's such a "poor omega" and the alpha is "such a dick" people are swayed by their emotions over this "poor omega" and CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT for even a FRACTION OF A SECOND in order to stand back to analyze the WHOLE story. It's funny when you can see something other ppl can't, and then being called names because they can't see the obvious, overall picture. It's NOT about Noah. It's about Ian as well. (And here comes the ppl mad at me for protecting Ian. It's funny bcz he's also a victim of this so-called nature of omegas and alphas, but I've written at length on it so I won't go into it here).
The whole picture this paints is of the relationships between the different genders and how much they are regulated and controlled by their strong animalistic, PRIMAL sexual urges and how much they are INFLUENCED by the sex pheromones, so THAT they helplessly turn into beastly creatures not of their own making, and no matter how much they fight against those instincts - with DoYoon the case in point TRYING SO HARD to avoid being ruled by his BASIC sexual instincts and pheromones by employing methods to steer clear clear of omegas altogether - whether refraining from socializing or interacting with them, to not having sexual relationships with them, to secreting repulsive sexual pheromones during his rut to repel them - they had ALL ULTIMATELY failed him - Fate played a cruel joke on him. They threw in an omega and he's done for. Hahaha. He had met his match and life played a cruel joke on him and gave him an omega mate. And a child. Good grief. Yes, poor Ian. His mind was too far gone, he didn't even know his pheromones had changed a beta or triggered a latent hyper recessive omega, induced him into heat, and then had sex with him. He only later woke up to find out that he had been mate-bonded.
Ian ALSO didn't have a choice in his mate selection, AND he had ALSO lost the chance for WHEN to mark him. So he lost out on having the autonomy to choose a mate, and the time to mark his mate when he is ready to be bonded or to make that commitment. What if he had NEVER WANTED it at all?!? Would have been a cruel thing to do. Or what if he likes another??? And yet had already been bonded?!? Why is it that ppl can ONLY see things from the omega's points of view SUBJECTIVELY??? I'm a very emotional person (yup, I didn't write all this nonsense cuz I'm unfeeling) but my mind is not filtered like YeJun's and it's precisely because I am not him that I can see more. When it comes to one's own experiences, one will never be unfeeling, it's as simple as that. Anyways, for Ian, it's like a flash marriage he didn't want but he can never take the ring off, and all that belongs to him now belongs to someone else (not monetarily, but his body). And IF he should decide to have kids he can ONLY DO THAT WITH THAT ONE PERSON. Let's hope he Likes Ian, or he'll be forever resentful that this (his autonomy to choose his mate) had been taken away from him. So no, there is NO NEED for a redemption arc, either Ian loves him, or he doesn't. Life isn't fair like that. Too bad there is no novel. Would've been nice to see things from Ian's perspective.