
Yaoi._.waiter December 19, 2023 2:12 am

Nah it's starting to get werid idrc care if the artist presents their relationship in a different universe they originally had a father/son relationship and to change it into something werid is strange.....not only that if they HAD to show that kind of relationship between the two why keep the kid in his late teens and the wolf still in his early 30-40's??? Even werider in the alter universe art work in universe they have other characters mistake the two for father and son...I can't keep defending some of the art work. If they wanted to take a realistic approach to the kid being fatherless maybe give him abandonment issues or something and stop crossing the line of emotional incest

    I come in peace December 19, 2023 2:47 am

    Yes! That's what I'm trying to say

    agony misery hoe December 19, 2023 3:02 am

    The author’s not “trying to change it” into the thing you’re fearing

    They’re literally just unfolding the story
    You’re the ones assuming that they’re telling what’s RIGHT or wrong

    The intention of the author is not political ffs
    The intention is to just explore a situation artistically

    I come in peace December 19, 2023 3:13 am
    The author’s not “trying to change it” into the thing you’re fearingThey’re literally just unfolding the storyYou’re the ones assuming that they’re telling what’s RIGHT or wrong The intention of... agony misery hoe

    I think the author was originally a bl writer but when she/he write this story her fans keep pressuring her into making bl out of it, so now it just because a mess, she ain't exploring shit she was getting pressured into making these "au" for the sake of toxic ass fans

    _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): December 19, 2023 3:49 am
    I think the author was originally a bl writer but when she/he write this story her fans keep pressuring her into making bl out of it, so now it just because a mess, she ain't exploring shit she was getting pres... I come in peace

    or as a fucking adult they could've just ignored it and kept on writing the og plot if they REALLY hated drawing these AUs? you're just full of copium atp trying to blame others for the fact that you want to believe that "nooo!!! the artist is not weird so i can come back and keep reading and then complain every 6 chapters!!!"

    Yaoi._.waiter December 19, 2023 9:00 pm
    The author’s not “trying to change it” into the thing you’re fearingThey’re literally just unfolding the storyYou’re the ones assuming that they’re telling what’s RIGHT or wrong The intention of... agony misery hoe

    Dude their making romantic(or what appears to be romantic) au's of their original father and son relationship like characters. I'm not saying I hate the author I love their works and fully support them I'm just saying that their really close to a line they shouldnt cross

    I come in peace December 20, 2023 1:41 am
    or as a fucking adult they could've just ignored it and kept on writing the og plot if they REALLY hated drawing these AUs? you're just full of copium atp trying to blame others for the fact that you want to b... _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

    THEY ARE GETTING FUCKING HATE, that's why they have to have these stupid au's there is no "or" THEY ARE FUCKING ARTIST, ya think they do what they want? Maybe some artist but most of them draw WHAT THE FANS WANT, ya know why? So you can buy their work, BUT SINCE PEOPLE LOVE INCEST SO MUCH, they have to do these stupid ass AU's, get it no

    Yaoi._.waiter December 20, 2023 5:02 am
    THEY ARE GETTING FUCKING HATE, that's why they have to have these stupid au's there is no "or" THEY ARE FUCKING ARTIST, ya think they do what they want? Maybe some artist but most of them draw WHAT THE FANS WAN... I come in peace

    The thing js that they dont.....as an adult or honestly as person with free will they don't have to do anything someone else tells them to do. Again I don't hate the artist I just believe what their doing is stupid

    Yaoi._.waiter December 20, 2023 5:07 am

    I just wanna make this so clear I DO NOT HATE THE ARTIST I love and support their works 100! I'm just saying that what their doing is werid. Even if it's what the fans want as an adult they shouldn't even attempt to creep around the borders of emotion incest or any type of romantic au relationship with these characters. I get some artist struggle a lot but personally to me it's better to draw what you want rather than what creepy fans want and even then I bet a good 50% (like us) read their works on websites like this.