The Sios family is so dumb cause Elijah did not want to become empress again and she had a...

Mélimélo-chan December 18, 2023 10:41 am

The Sios family is so dumb cause Elijah did not want to become empress again and she had absolutely no intention of showing off her kid and declaring him to be the prince. The Sios and the dumb bitch leading them would have been able to continue leaving their life with being related to the king but they just had to force Elijah's hand

    ✨✨ Maki ♥♥ December 18, 2023 11:42 am

    That's what happens when you are so greedy.. Blonde green tea is sooo greedy and wants to have everything

    effa December 18, 2023 11:48 am
    That's what happens when you are so greedy.. Blonde green tea is sooo greedy and wants to have everything ✨✨ Maki ♥♥

    and its not even hers to take cos her son isn't even Raymond's

    Mélimélo-chan December 18, 2023 1:38 pm
