
☆〜(ゝ。∂) December 18, 2023 6:19 am

Ok reading the first chapter. Based on my first impressions she seem hella privileged and out of touch. Like appreciate your little quiet life. People are dying Kim! and you’re complaining ab not being able to wear heels . It’s like ppl who post pics of upper middle class - soccer mom - suburban neighborhoods and lifestyle and calling it their worst fear (u have to have seen it to get it) girl that’s the end goal for most people and unreachable to some. Mc keeps describing her past life as if there was smth very missing. Don’t come for me I c y’all eating this manhwa up in the comments

    BLIdiotLover69 December 19, 2023 2:32 pm

    That’s actually how I feel. I’ve been skipping a bunch of this and kinda just waiting for the end but I mean she lives in a mansion and people outside don’t have food

    Mint December 20, 2023 5:03 am

    For real! Although this is still a sweet story she does seem so out of touch >_<

    Me. December 20, 2023 9:49 am

    Haha it does seem rather shallow after reading all those regression ones where the lead has been ab*sed and m*rdered then sent back in time.

    chloebcreations December 21, 2023 7:25 am

    As much as yall want to call her out of touch and everything, this story is truly a breath of fresh air as most regression stories require some tragic backstory for the FL, enough trauma!

    LessThanACoin December 24, 2023 6:34 am

    Literally my exact sentiment. She wants to have the cake and eat it as well. Lucky for her she got to. She wasn't anything special but had a lot to say abt her mediocre ex husband. Like damn aren't under his wing?

    ☆〜(ゝ。∂) December 24, 2023 3:32 pm
    Literally my exact sentiment. She wants to have the cake and eat it as well. Lucky for her she got to. She wasn't anything special but had a lot to say abt her mediocre ex husband. Like damn aren't under his wi... LessThanACoin