I think asking the kids to work things out when they even understand emotions is kinda cra...

zamiac December 18, 2023 4:00 am

I think asking the kids to work things out when they even understand emotions is kinda crazy. I think they need to talk to each kid and guide them to understand their own emotions then encourage them to communicate those emotions to each other. I also see a lot of comments saying that Mikhail is rude. I think those people forget that he is a kid and that we are seeing things from Lara's perspective. Lara is upset that he doesn't want to play with her but is willing to play with her little sister, so she has become possessive of her sister. Mikhail not being interested in Lara is also pretty common. They are different ages, different genders, have different hobbies , and have different personalities. They have nothing in common. Mikhail is the most similar to the brother, so they interact and are friendly with each other. He finds the MC interesting because he can actually understand her while others can't. He doesn't have anything connecting him with Lara. I think it would have been better for the parents to do activities with the kids to help build those bonds between all the kids, but they just left them to their own devices and took for granted that siblings play together because they are siblings and probably would ignore each other if they were strangers or less outgoing. All that being said, this is a chance for both of them to grow. Mikhail can learn to interact and build relationships with people he has nothing in common with, and Lara can learn how to handle rejection. In reality, not everyone is going to to want to play or be friends with Lara. They may be more interested in one of her siblings than her, but she can't be mean to them or try to monopolize her siblings because of that. Mikhail also has to realize that people can be hurt when they feel ignored even if you don't think you are ignoring them. Both kids are cute and are just kids. They are not intentionally rude or mean. They are just kids. I think stories like this where the kids are mature and where an adult possess the body of a child often makes us forget how kids really are.

    WoahMama December 18, 2023 5:08 am

    Yeah, these two are too young to just work something like this out. This is a teaching moment where you try to work out and help the children understand each other. They're just a tad too young to understand these feelings. I also agree with liking this cause they actually act like children instead of mini adults it's nice to read and makes it feel a bit more realistic.

    MACAROONS December 18, 2023 8:24 am

    Very well said!

    strawberry milk December 18, 2023 7:46 pm

    TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS, like how can a sane person wait for a 6 year of toddler to handle the things out by themselves??? there should be someone in between to guide them to the right thing or appropriate thing to do at that moment…

    or i hope the parents would pay a visit them separately when they are by themselves to bring those kids together but bro please don’t tell me her mum waiting for her daughter to mature herself up at that moment.