Yeah I'm one of the people who doesn't hate rasta

Canah UwU December 18, 2023 1:09 am

I love naveir tho, like she tried to teach rashta what not to do but rashta isn't smart enough to follow her. People say in the comments having, childhood trauma doesn't justify her action but don't you

    Canah UwU December 18, 2023 1:15 am

    Think it's too much? At first she's naive and a bit of annoying, can't read the room, but that's makes her easier to manipulate. Men around her is full of fucking bullshit, that shitty emperor who didn't teach Rashta, just let her do whatever she wanted, That duke who manipulate her to what she is now, especially the grandfather who always as Rashta for money and using the baby to threatened her (The baby she thought that died) and his shitty son who can't grow a bone who promised rashta he'll get her out of prison but abandoned her. You hate rashta so much but you don't even considered people that made her like that, Yes, she's annoying, yes the emperor cheated with her on navier, But they weren't really lovers to begin with, They did love each other but that shitty emperor was the fault for bringing mistress in, and rashta was just trying to get out of the prison.
    But if only rashta is smart enough but noooo, she's easily manipulated.

    Canah UwU December 18, 2023 1:16 am

    *Slavery btw not prison

    Leta Cent December 18, 2023 6:44 pm

    Here all I will say. In the court of law you are still guilty if you unknowingly were an accomplice to murder..........Another idea: should we not press charges on someone who shot up a school in account that they were bullied?......... Her situation has similarities to both ideas I just mentioned. We shouldn't sweep crimes under rugs cause just cause of traumas since other were still hurt as a result of there actions. While her past is something that would generally make me feel like defending her. ( Heck I have put multiple comments throughout mangas defending characters that get bashed on this website cause of there past) But there is just sooo much her past can guard her for. She is annoyingly obnoxious, she pushed her baby and instead of apologizing she rather blame others, she enjoyed getting the way of others marriage, has shown multiple times that she wouldn't mind cheating. Also while she doesn't understand that fraud is bad, and that the people around her are using her to do bad things these are all STILL CRIMES and SHE SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR HER ACTIONS

    She really is undefendable. HER ACTIONS ARE HERS and we should look past her past and see that she is sick and twisted too.

    Yes she is "naive", yes she was traumatized, yes she is with people who don't help her prosper. But cutting off someone's tongue, killing those in her way, sending assassin's, kidnapping people for her own interest, abandoning her kids cause once again her own "happiness",going against people's advice cause she has to "shine" more than navier no that was all her. Don't forget that people have been trying to help her: the former empress, the maids ,and even the emperor tried. Like her whole wedding dress and wedding were people tried to guide her on what was best based on the people and her own image. But she always throws a fit cause she deserves the best and knows best. I can't defend someone who doesn't want help. She had her chances and she was to selfish and arrogant to take them. Then she just becomes a monster.

    Heck since the very beginning she made it obvious that cause of her trauma she deserved to be empress no matter who she had to stand on to get there. She didn't want to help anyone but her self and I just can't stand her. There is just so much we can and should condone as a count of what she has been through. After that it's her own accountability.