I'm pretty sure it's already been revealed in the manwha but it will soon be revealed in one of Parve's flashbacks that as soon as he met Sion in Sienna's body(which is exactly on chapter 1 or 2. Their first meeting with Sion as Siennas). Parve immediately figured it was Sion it's because as the angel or judgement(?), they're fated together with the one who has the stigmata of saint zion(the ripped out wings scar).
Also for your second question, yes!!!!!! Parve has always loved Sion. Because Sion was a commoner but had Saint Zion's stigmata, Parve tried to go against whatever god planned and ran off, taking Sion with him to another kingdom where he was close friends with one of the prince/princess(??? I feel like manwha changed their gender) the plan was essentially to take down the holy kingdom and have Sion settle down as whatever he wanted(which was a nice cottage and a plot lf land to farm) but because of the fate destined for the holder of angel of judgement's stigmata, Parve is destined to part ways with Sion, hence why he brought Sion to another kingdom and also to prevent Sion from becoming the holy king cus when Parve is gone, Sion will have no backing/protector. I wanna type more but i gotta go back to work lol

Ok so i'm back!! Parve at that time essentially had no allies and a lot of the nobility had this established belief that the holy king MUST be of noble blood so OG Sion becoming the Holy King will end up going through strife cus first, he has no knowledge about noble culture and politics(as you can see through the series, he doesn't do much but overtime he will start learning more with Parve's guidance). The nobles will essentially eat Sion alive figuritively.
However as we see, that plan never worked out, Parve's friend got assasinated, Sion who was being protected/sheltered by the friend while Parve was away fighting the holy kingdom got kidnapped and it wasn't till Parve heard the news about his friend's death that he found out Sion was gone. So he ends up surrendering with the belief that because he tried to go against god(taking Sion away from his destiny of becoming the holy king) they were smited/punished by god, Parve's friend died, Sion got tortured, Sienna's side essentially won the war. Parve had to surrender himself. But well--Parve had other plans related to Sion's stigmata's miracle.
When the holder of the angel of judgement's stigmata dies, the holder of Saint Zion's stigmata's miracle will activate. In their world lore, the miracle essentially spreads to the world and heal/revive those that were killed by the angel of judgement. Parve killed himself to activate that miracle which awakens Sion along with his own stigmata to basically manipulate Sion's own memories, he will think that Parve betrayed him and that Parve never came back for him(the first chapters where we saw Sion's flashback where an angel statue falls and crush him). This was so in the next life, Sion won't end up trusting Parve and have survivor's guilt cus of Parve's sacrifice.
As for current life Sion in Sienna's body, of course Parve still loves him cus it is still Sion, but becuase of what happened in the past life, Parve originally planned for Sion to not get attatched to Parve, even better if Sion's memory of his "death" is still altered cus it would mean Sion will distrust Parve(as we see through season 1, he grieves multiple times about the betrayal). His plan this time is to follow god's fate, which is for Sion to become the holy king and for the holder of Angel of Judgement's stigmata to, well--die to activate Sion's stigamata's miracle. Well--things have changed somehwhat, Sion and Parve will end up entangled and Sion at some point will discover the fate of Parve's. I won't say anymore what Sion does cus i don't wanna spoil that part ajfkajdjs. Hope this helps!
BIG HOWEVER, Parve somehow came back to life at the moment when he first got his stigmata(when he was dying from poison on the snow but gets healed when struck by blue lightning). Parve is distraught cus he thought that instead of what he had planned, Sion instead focused his miracle on the dying Parve, reviving him. So Parve leaves his mother's estate to go searching for Sion in the village he grows up in with the intention of snatching up Sion and protecting him early on. He then finds that Sion doesn't exist anymore.

Even i just read all your spoiler its kinda confusing to me ( ̄∇ ̄")
So even tho parve died, he still have the memory? And his stigmata can alter memory? (Huh??) Moreover, the past live Sion dead but not Sienna (I thought Sienna huge rock fall on Sienna,no)? Plus, I thought Parve cried because that time he is convinced Sion (in Sienna body) is the real deputy of God?

I believe so? We have 4 revealed and explained stigmatas so far in the series. Sion's stigmata is shoulder scars on his back from the torn off wings of saint Zion/Zeon. If you read through the series, it was revealed that saint Zeon performed a great miracle that healed everyone in the world. Unsure if it's been explained yet in the manwha but when Saint Zeon was born, the king of the kingdom he was born in basically declared those with stigmata to be killed cus they worshipped a different god. So Saint Zeon's parents tore his wings off to protect him. Later on i believe, because saint zeom was performing miracles and was gaining notoriety, the king geard about him and had Sain Zion captured.
So he was basically crucified i think??? Anyways, he was executed in some way. WELL, legend goes that the Angel of Judgement came down from heaven and went into the body of Saint Zeon and seeked vengeance against the ones who killed and mocked/encouraged Saint Zeon's death/suffering.. basically he went on a killing spree. You can see a bit of the angel's power when we got one of Parve's flashbacks where he almost destroyed the church/castle with his stigmata.
Well, stuff happens and Angel of Judgement either dies or leaves Saint Zeon's body with the saint back to life again. Since he was described as benevolent and forgiving, Saint Zeon performed a great miracle and healed/revived those who were punished by the Angel of Judgement. That was how Saint Zeon became a saint and became the first king of the holy kingdom.
SOOOO that whole segment of the legend basically hints on what is to come for the holder of their stigmata.
Saint Zeon's holder of stigmata is destined to perform great miracles to heal the suffering. Sion gets history lesson from Euclise(i think that's her name, glasses girl gf of Parve's brother) where Sion discovers that miracles are always performed during a time of need. He also got hints of Parve's fate based on those stories!
So Spoilers on Parve's stigmata/fate
So Parve's stigamata as already revealed was the Angel of Judgement right? So, essentially, they get these OP offensive powers that Parve have been shown to use(i believe it's similar to when someone get's stigmata, Parve summons blue lightning or maybe just regular coloured lightning that smites a large area, or for example, it basically burns every living thing to crisp/dust). Though OP, it has drawbacks. So, that's the basic power of Parve's stigmata HOWEVER, it has a secret and it is hinted through the legend of Saint Zion.
Sooo long story short, Parve's stigmata and Sion's stigmata are connected cus it is needed to basically activate Sion's stigmata's miracle.....
well...we already saw how it was activated during Parve's flashback. The holder of Angel of Judgement's stigmata has to basically die(suicide i think?) For Saint Zion's stigmata to activate. Sion INDEED performed a great miracle. HE was the one who "turned back time" for him and Parve. Though that wasn't what Parve actually wanted, he wanted Sion to use the miracle on himself and on others as what was intended based on the legends. Parve had no plans to go back in time.
As for other stigmata, we saw Sion's cousin has a stigmata on her legs that was extracted from a child who had the stigmata and was stitched on her. So the stigmata basically allows her to look into the person's being, i guess. It was how she was able to figure out Sion is not Siennas and actually someone else and that Parve, while he never shown it, actually knew who "sienna's" was. She does this by touch. Though the basic gist is revealed, the true purpose of the holder is not so much.
Same for the other stigmata revealed, it was the previous sword of the (previous)holy king. The long haird man, woman, idk. It's the one always bantering with Parve. It was hinted in the story that even without their stigmata, they have powerful healing powers but it was soon revealed in Parve's flashback that their stigmata's power was a very powerful healing powers. AKA, limb regeneration, apparently it's not something he/she can do at will. We saw it when Parve cut off the hand that had his stigmata as proof he was surrendering to siennas but he then rebels and runs into this guy/woman, convinces them, tells them about Sion the true Holy king and he/she heals Parve's decapitated arm and it regenerates.
The stigmatas don't seem to have an objective, holders can do what they want but the Angel of Judgement and Saint Zeon stigmata seemed to be destined for something big and special and Parve this time is not avoiding it(meaning, unlike in previous life, Parve has accepted that he will die in the future for Sion)
For anyone who has read the raws--
Has parve actually realized that siena is sion?
And why did he cry when sion was dying in his arm? Did he like the previous sion and current sion??