So many things wrong with the last chapter

Roronoa Zoro December 17, 2023 11:27 pm

Besides the dumb generic ending tropes they pulled in the last 5 frames, there's so many plot holes in the story. For starters, what even was the point of the emperor and Penelope's relationship? It affected literally nothing at all, it didn't help anyone, and it didn't make the emperor have a change of heart at all. He started falling in love with her or something, but he doesn't even think about her for a second during the final battle, and she never shows up. And why give us the backstory of the emperor and Teana if it barely affects the story or their development at all. There's so many loose ends they half assed, it feels like they had a plan for these side stories but they trashed them all for a rush ending. And onto my main issue. The way they hyped up Grace's powers and built up to her being a super powerful dragon or wtv, and then when she finally embraces them (in the last episode) she barely uses them. We don't even know how powerful she really is cause the only comment we get is "her attacks are stronger". And she wasn't even the one who defeated the emperor, it was her dad who had to save her from his random, unnecessary, and uncharacteristic suicide bombing. Then they immediately skip to 4 years later? And the duke is in a comma for what?? Such wasted potentional.
