idk why people think sex work is empowering. it’s literally statistically proved that sex workers live shorter lives. sex workers in america on average live to their late 30s, while the average american lifespan is about 70 years. +most porn promotes violence to women, and so many people are trafficked for porn specifically. u also can’t forget the sexualization of minors, promotion of incest, etc. like u can figure this out by just going on pornhub and looking at the titles. idc if anyone decides to be a prostitute, i can’t really have a say on whether or not people want to watch porn, bc i’m on this website which is like majority porn.
people in these comments both need to understand this is a nuanced topic. That said, I support sex workers because they are people and because they are human beings who deserve to feel safe no matter what their job is. It's not our fault that men have created a lucrative market out of objectifying ourselves, but I don't think it's an occupation that we should desire to push on to newer generations. in this plot we don't know if the uke actually chose this profession slash side hustle on their own with a healthy mentality or if they were groomed into it like other stories. It is important everyone approaches a situation with an open mind especially since we only have one chapter out but also be mindful and do some research before you go advocating as if it is empowering. Social media has also influenced many young women into thinking this profession is peak empowerment when in reality for most cases sadly prostitution normalizes the commodification of women/men and if you do your research theres a long list of resources on how the porn industry affects women, LGBT+ and POC - including testimonies from MANY women who were previously in the porn industry. In my country thousands of girls go missing every month and these unsolved cases are led to believe many of these missing young people are being trafficked. The percentage of people who actually are mentally healthy and want to do this is extremely small