I saw a picture of him wearing a dress, idk if its an official one from the novel. Does anyone know when hes going to wear it in the story? Or is it supposed to be the latest chapters?
i think i saw somewhere in where they said that the chinese robe that yujing wears in that novel art appears around 243 ch of the novel rn i think that the manwhua is aroynd 130 or so but im not sure
i think i saw somewhere in where they said that the chinese robe that yujing wears in that novel art appears around 243 ch of the novel rn i think that the manwhua is aroynd 130 or so but im not sure kokooo9
I saw a picture of him wearing a dress, idk if its an official one from the novel. Does anyone know when hes going to wear it in the story? Or is it supposed to be the latest chapters?