W_W I know this phrase is hard to translate from Korean...but can't they change the name? ...

itikky December 18, 2016 1:49 am

W_W I know this phrase is hard to translate from Korean...but can't they change the name? It could be something close like "Be Still My Heart" instead of this ridiculous nonsense.

    lenalena December 18, 2016 2:49 am

    Haha. I think that's cute, but taking too much creative liberty. The literal translation is “Heart Silently,” so I don't think the title the translators chose is that bad. Naves translate and Google translate both do it as “The Heart is Quiet” so maybe that's better.

    lenalena December 18, 2016 2:49 am

    Naves = Naver

    itikky December 18, 2016 4:41 pm
    Haha. I think that's cute, but taking too much creative liberty. The literal translation is “Heart Silently,” so I don't think the title the translators chose is that bad. Naves translate and Google transla... lenalena

    T.T But they just took the title that is on foxtoon (where the raws come from). I guess it makes it easier to find, but Raising a Bat is called "Bat Breed" on foxtoon... I agree that it could be Heart Silent or Silent Heart, at least something that is somewhat functional English

    Sery December 18, 2016 8:10 pm

    Ok, here's my reason for deciding on the title 'Heart silent'. Besides it being the title used in foxtoon, the actual title in Korean isn't exactly coherent either.
    If the author had intended it to be a full sentence, it would have probably been written as : '심장은 조용하다' (the heart is silent).

    As others have already mentioned, the literal translation would be heart silently, in which the author chose to write it that way on purpose, probably cause it sounded better as a title in Korean, or left vague intentionally, for example: ' the heart is silently...'

    Thus heart silent would make more sense in this case in English.

    itikky December 18, 2016 9:19 pm
    Ok, here's my reason for deciding on the title 'Heart silent'. Besides it being the title used in foxtoon, the actual title in Korean isn't exactly coherent either. If the author had intended it to be a full se... Sery

    XD Never actually expected the tl to reply. But it's okay. I stalk my own projects too. lol I realize I had such an easy job, since mine is straightforward (저주노트 ---> Curse Note).

    Sery December 18, 2016 9:26 pm
    XD Never actually expected the tl to reply. But it's okay. I stalk my own projects too. lol I realize I had such an easy job, since mine is straightforward (저주노트 ---> Curse Note). itikky

    Haha, yeah I always send the chapters to be uploaded to mangago since it's where I always read my manga, so I see the comments most of the time.

    itikky December 18, 2016 9:29 pm
    Haha, yeah I always send the chapters to be uploaded to mangago since it's where I always read my manga, so I see the comments most of the time. Sery

    wait, you have to send them???

    Sery December 18, 2016 9:31 pm
    wait, you have to send them??? itikky

    I just report to the admin that a new chapter is available and send the download link.
    Sometimes other people do it, but I do it in this case for this webtoon.