you didn't read is that the blonde boy in his dreams is not real and is from a kid's book he read while his parents separating
He reacts to every blonde, early chapters there was a blonde that died by getting hit by a vehicle. When they had 'broke up' ml remembered the scene of that day and remembered mc's reaction, and now he thinks that he saw his dead 'boyfriend' in him.

I'd probably start reading in the teen chapters and read the first few chapters... that's what I did. But yujin left because sekye had a bit of a emotional/break and saying things and saying he couldn't fill his void ect yujin leaves, yuhin meets with sekyes coworker and makes up his mind that sekye sees him as his ex and it was the dead guy in the road... he dyes his hair black and goes to his house after not being there for a while and sekye says he doesn't look like him... so he really assumes he's a fill in and that guy was probably there to do it idk but they didn't. Sekye is always ready for everyone to abandon him as well so.....and they have no communication skills at all smh. I self translated this for myself and it made me all the emotions
I started reading from chapter 34 just cause I was curious and now I'm quite interested but I also don't feel like starting from chapter 1. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I gathered from the three chapters:
ML has trauma, dreams of a blond dude, and is obsessed and in love with "him".
ML pays? MC to act like him and dye his hair blond.
MC falls for ml, MC tries to understand and thinks ml loves him
ML brings another blondie to his apartment and cheats. on mc. They were broken up already? or in a break?
MC realizes that he doesn't love the real him, but just the idea of haram he sees on mc.
mc has enough and decides to sleep with him one last time(as if) and break up
ml for sure has a serious mental illness and it's a selfish peace of shit that only thinks about himself.