Legit im shaking rn hoping the upcoming spice scene is uncensored. Also that kiss scene was hot. I just love how throughout the novel, Sion always compara the kisses to desserts and gets a craving in the end.
SPOILERS . . . . . . There was also a hot feeding scene im the novel where Parve fed Sion with some dried fruit or something mouth to mouth. Shit was hot. Sion came out craving the fruit lol.
Legit im shaking rn hoping the upcoming spice scene is uncensored. Also that kiss scene was hot. I just love how throughout the novel, Sion always compara the kisses to desserts and gets a craving in the end.
There was also a hot feeding scene im the novel where Parve fed Sion with some dried fruit or something mouth to mouth. Shit was hot. Sion came out craving the fruit lol.