Pls help

ktttdaikii3333 December 17, 2023 4:36 am

Im looking for the manhwa. One of the main character is dark haired, with stubble on his chin. He is criminal i guess. He will sneak into other mc's house. And will find his sex tapes in the computer. The other mc is blonce, tall and famous/popular. Blonde guy will find the dark haired mc in his house and will knock him out. Thats all i know plsss help.

    Kiara December 17, 2023 5:01 am

    I think you’re talking about Killing Stalking lol.

    ktttdaikii3333 December 17, 2023 5:40 am

    No its not killing stalking. Both mcs are muscular and quite manly. And blonde guy has very bright blonde hair. And he was in tv for saving some girl. It all happend in first chapter. Anyways thank u for trying to help me.