Spoilers..I’ve read

Nyx December 17, 2023 12:14 am

Read the spoilers for this and honestly I hate it lmfao, won’t read it. Even though they apparently don’t fall in love (thank god) I still can’t idk I just hate that she raises the kids and stays married to him they even become like friends which I mean I get but I don’t like given how terrible he’s been to OGwife…also it isn’t until like the side stories where she asks for a divorce, writes a letter to the kids and dies. Like what? She then gets sent back to the modern world and meets him again omg. Leave her alone.

    Dayaship? December 17, 2023 4:16 am


    I'm glad they don't end up in love but lords!? She never finds true love, and is stuck with that man for the majority of her life?

    I know it's for the kids but DUCK THAT

    Agathe December 17, 2023 11:35 am

    Well the guy is basically more autistic than evil
    Also why did she sleep with a drunkard calling another woman ?

    Agathe December 17, 2023 12:01 pm

    (Mind you i don’t really blame the og FL (everyone can be stupidly hormonal at that age)
    But a relationship means two people
    Both share a responsibility in making a kid
    And they also both share a responsibility to communicate with each other and learn how to live together
    This is not the case of a violent and abusive partner : t

    I understand the FL is truly pitiful, but the result of her relationship is also something she has a part in
    From what we know, before losing her child she had few months of living together yet never tried to get to know him
    He sucks
    But so does she !
    It’s as if she has some kind of victim complex ?
    She let herself be carried by the flow and gets angry at her own misery, and she shifts the blame (bad family, bad luck, bad husband, etc) - doing so, she renounces the possibility of having power on her situation : she neither expresses herself or her needs

    From the spoiler you mentioned the MC is no better in a way, she keeps saying she’s not the same person, but she’s juging the husband through the og filter and she breaks all his attempts at getting closer. She keeps ruthlessly chasing him away

    He is obviously very awkward, but neither unfaithful or as cold as we could imagine from the Og, (he takes care of her when she’s sick). His awkwardness with the children also shows that he has no prejudice against his wife, she could understand that he has trouble and talk things out, simply by asking or clarifying his intentions

    He fulfills his duties and doesn’t close his door or make himself hard to reach at all. He’s not like these numerous characters with a china wall built around themselves, he is mostly socially impaired
    We also know from his past that kind people did open his heart pretty easily

    There are several titles out there that finds resolution through the means of cleaning misunderstanding and improving communication quality
    Blaming the other side will never help fixing the problems of two people

    But honestly all thse characters have a bad writer disease (way to many trauma) :/