Well I’ll beeee

plinky25 December 16, 2023 12:34 pm

I have to admit that I didn’t mind which guy she ended up with since tbh they’re all my type lol. Though the whole thing with the teacher threw me off with the guy, and the blonde is just an oddball. I guess all guys had their downsides, such as the blue eyed one being rude in the beginning. Despite that, he was my first choice and the one I was rooting for (his looks may have suited me best). But I also didn’t have any issue with her dating the puppy-like dude (not the blonde, I just forgot the friend’s name).

Regardless they’re real cute together and I find myself laughing at every one of their scenes. The only thing is I actually hope they don’t break up despite him being my second choice. My reasoning for that is cause I really don’t want this to be one of those stories that use a guy and make him date the FL only for her to end up with another dude in the end anyway. Like a detour for fun or use it as a push to get another guy to be her true love.
Anyways, tbh I think the author didn’t do a great job with the romance bit. The development failed more on the FL’s part. It would’ve been better had we had a lot more scenes showing the FL’s thoughts on each of the guys, how she felt during a scene with them, her thinking of any of them while alone, coming to terms with her feelings. But instead it felt like the author wanted her to be more of a chaotic mystery and just surprised us with her confession. She didn’t seem to be reacting much to any of the guys enough for me to believe she really liked him when she confessed. Maybe now it shows since they’re dating- but it’s not really good to make it that unpredictable and give little to no info to the readers about how she felt before.

    error404 January 8, 2024 6:56 pm

    Imma be honest. I genuinely do not ship her with seungyeon, but ppl bringing up the teacher thing abt him is rlly kinda weird to me considering Baram ALSO dated a professor. How is it any different when he did as well?

    plinky25 January 8, 2024 10:54 pm
    Imma be honest. I genuinely do not ship her with seungyeon, but ppl bringing up the teacher thing abt him is rlly kinda weird to me considering Baram ALSO dated a professor. How is it any different when he did ... error404

    I had stated that in my previous comments about it. I know she also dated a teacher which is why I said I got over it and I liked him now. In my other comments I said “she also dated a teacher so it’s even.” I only said my honest feelings about the downsides of each dude, and that was the single one that threw me off. I wasn’t necessarily bothered by the fact it was a teacher, it was more so that he was caught in the act by the FL. It’s one thing to hear rumors about it but it’s another thing to witness the scene with your own eyes. Personally, I would be turned off if I ever saw the dude I liked do it or remembered how I caught him in the act with someone else. In general, I just hate it when stories make the mc witness the love interest get it on with someone else in the beginning. I always get over it either way so it didn’t matter too much to me.

    error404 January 9, 2024 6:58 pm
    I had stated that in my previous comments about it. I know she also dated a teacher which is why I said I got over it and I liked him now. In my other comments I said “she also dated a teacher so it’s even.... plinky25

    I see, that sounds fair I get what you mean now, catching a dude you’re interested in get jt on e someone else would give me the biggest ick. I just commented on it because on webtoon I joticed a lot of people mentioned that as kind of a “bad thing” abt him and it didn’t make any sense to me even tho I don’t ship him w her

    plinky25 January 9, 2024 10:20 pm
    I see, that sounds fair I get what you mean now, catching a dude you’re interested in get jt on e someone else would give me the biggest ick. I just commented on it because on webtoon I joticed a lot of peopl... error404

    Yeah I get it, lots of people have double standards. People tend to be a lot more harsh when it comes to judging the love interests. Tbh webtoon comments always have dumb people all over it. What can you expect when people constantly copy paste “I came at the speed of gay. I came for the gay.” In the top comments all over lgbt webtoons.

    Stardust March 25, 2024 11:34 am

    Bro how can you dislike him for dating a teacher like he is literally the victim just like Baram was the victim and the teachers were the ones who took advantage of their power.

    plinky25 March 26, 2024 1:01 am
    Bro how can you dislike him for dating a teacher like he is literally the victim just like Baram was the victim and the teachers were the ones who took advantage of their power. Stardust

    Please read through all of my comments. It seems you read only one sentence and didn’t bother to see me talking positively about him lmao. Plus his case is different, both baram and him are grown adults who decided to be with other adults. One woman teacher may be single. The male teacher was married, which in baram’s case she didn’t know and could be called a victim. With the ML’s case, he just had a relationship with a teacher but he wasn’t a victim of anything other than a break up.

    Stardust March 26, 2024 2:46 am
    Please read through all of my comments. It seems you read only one sentence and didn’t bother to see me talking positively about him lmao. Plus his case is different, both baram and him are grown adults who d... plinky25

    It's still morally wrong for a teacher to take advantage of their position and date a student as they are in a position of power over the students and if it gets out it can result in her losing her job

    plinky25 March 26, 2024 4:20 am
    It's still morally wrong for a teacher to take advantage of their position and date a student as they are in a position of power over the students and if it gets out it can result in her losing her job Stardust

    I didn’t say otherwise though, I agree that it’s not great of the teacher and I didn’t like it. But I also clarified, and basically showed majority positivity for the ML for the rest of my comments lol. I said only one line about it, which was just a single ick for him plus I said other stuff about the other 2 boys. Either way though, I wouldn’t consider him a victim like baram since their situations are still different and they weren’t minors. I would think differently if he was coerced into the relationship though, but I don’t think that was the case.

    If you look at my reply to the other person I also clarified that my main issue wasn’t really the teacher thing and added that I got over it quick as I knew baram had a relationship with a teacher too. My main ick was just the FL having to see the ML make out or be caught in the act with someone. In general, if I caught the person I like or someone I may develop a crush on, in the act with someone else, I wouldn’t be able to forget it.