even more summed up:
youichi obsessed w kei and his writinf. kei desires go boom bc he met youichi. kei writes again. story succesful no kill someone. have dream and youichi choking kei sayin they must die together. youichi is becoming like shinigami. kei write another story. youichi says stuff exactly like in kei script wven tho kei show no one. hence youichi becominf like shinigami. movie agency guy say kei must write about himself to sacrifice himself and save youichi from becoming shinigami. kei leave youichi to set him free.
ok it was confusing but mainly cus i forgot the entire story. its more simple than it seems when u bottle it down. neways im gonna try and sum it up in simple sentences
backstory: kei and youichi r only survivors of a crash. shinigami appears before kei. kei has desires to write a lot after this. he doesnt specifically like doing it hes just cursed by shinigami. when he writes the person his character is inspired by dies. kei feels guilt. stops writing bc of this. youichi pov: after crash youichi lives at prostitution house turned into fancy inn place later cus of law. anyways, life is empty. one day youichi sees snippit of random movie and catches a quote that intrigues him. finds out writer is the other boy that survived crash. falls in love w his films. loves photography. life is fun.
main story: THEY MEET RANDOMLY. youichi takes kei in and recognises him. he shows kei how he impacted him and his photography. kei looks at the photos and is moved by how youichi creates something so warm of human life compared to himself who kills people bc of his writing. hence youichi cant take a perfect photo of kei bc unlike warmth of human life kei brings death w his writing. they begin to hang out after this meeting. kei notices that his desires are overwhelming cus of youichi. kei distances himself from youichi. kei doesnt want to write but his desires/youichis presence make him want to. he feels suffocated without fufilling his desire to write tho. kei gets letter from his usual production agency "nissho pictures" to write a story. kei reunites with youichi. he just reads books to sustain his desire to write. but after meeting youichi he cant hold his desires back anymore. they make love. youichi convinces kei to write a story about the two of them one day. kei is convinced to write again and promises his work will never kill again and he'll break shinigami curse.
kei finishes the story. no bad dreams no shinigami appears word stop flowing. things looking good. film production starts.kei and youichi have goal to impact people for good. then they both have same dream where youichi is choking kei saying their goal is a lie and kei just desires both of them to be dragged down and die together. kei wake up and is scared but youichi is smiling. youichi is slowly becoming keis shinigami.
kei is writing another story. fight happns at the inn and youichi says things that r exactly like in keis story even though kei has never shown anyone. youichi is becominf more like his shinigami. youichi basicslly wants kei to write about them so they die together. kei just wants youichi safe. 'nissho prictures' guy tells kei to solve this by writint his next story about kei himself as a sacrifice. kei agrees and leaves youichi to set him free.
andddd thats basically it so far. feel free to ask or discuss. i didnt want to make it too long but its fucking massive now eh idk why i put sm effort into rhis its not really my fav story or anything╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭