rant about CH 88 and 89. don't read this if you don't wanna see angry ramblings.

Min December 16, 2023 10:36 am

i was having fun reading this, until these chapters. the sight of a 27 year old man lusting after a 17 year old girl just because she proposed a political marriage to him is nauseating. and this brown hair girl is pissing me the fuck off too. what is it with authors trying to pair nearly 30 year old men with underage girls? is it that hot to see children get it on with old fucks?
please don't tell me these two end up in any kind of relationship. romance ALWAYS ruins a story, especially if it's between a little girl and a 27 year old man. not to mention, taekyung's older brother's weird OOC behavior with wolhwa already ruined his character for me. this apparently no nonsense character is nearly pissing himself being in proximity of a pretty woman? shut the fuck up.
there should be a law against authors who have never interacted with women trying to write them, because these "women" always come off as so incredibly fucking idiotic and braindead. how are you gonna be this dumb and naive and survive in a murim world for this long? so goddamn annoying.

    Tiethelit December 20, 2023 7:07 pm

    What the fuck are you talking about I haven’t seen any sort of romance at all shut the hell up and fucking read it yourself

    Min December 20, 2023 7:10 pm
    What the fuck are you talking about I haven’t seen any sort of romance at all shut the hell up and fucking read it yourself Tiethelit

    i did read it you illiterate bitch, look up two fucking comments above you. you got shit for brains you little cunty?

    Azaar December 23, 2023 5:48 pm
    i did read it you illiterate bitch, look up two fucking comments above you. you got shit for brains you little cunty? Min

    damn another day on the internet huh?

    Nastrayln December 28, 2023 6:15 am

    Meh, if this were an actual world this would be common place, much like our own worlds history. It is what it is, I’ll never understand why folks get repeatedly butt hurt over it.

    Min December 28, 2023 6:29 am
    Meh, if this were an actual world this would be common place, much like our own worlds history. It is what it is, I’ll never understand why folks get repeatedly butt hurt over it. Nastrayln

    people get annoyed over things you don't get annoyed over? what a shocker! no one here is "butthurt", i'm frustrated.

    welfare December 28, 2023 11:09 pm

    My takes on this subject will be very nuanced, so I hope I was able to get my points across, with the least contradiction I could get, adding that my english is not the best. First of all, not ALL romance ruins a story. Usually, romance in action stories is not always well executed, but when it's done well, it's the most satisfying part you'll ever read and can even build the entire story, still I agree that it's quite rare... Secondly, Murim Login can be written and executed with historical facts, even if it is pure fiction with no intentions to be historically accurate and realistic. So as a disclaimer, I'm not defending p*dophilia in any way here, let's be clear, but if the author's motive was to stay faithful to human history in a fictional world, even if it's so wrong, they have no choice but to depict what is reality, which is p*dophilia, because how else can they do it? Yes, it's disgusting, and you have every right to feel frustrated. However, let's not make assumptions about the reasons why the author decided to write their story this way, let's just hope they are well aware of what they are writing. And even if the author wanted to write a story about these things just for entertainment, which personally repulses me because they could easily just made her older and not a minor, they can do it because fiction has no limits, both fortunately and unfortunately... I think the most irritating thing about writing this kind of stuff is when both authors and readers try to normalize it, throwing it right into every freaking story, most of the time in the romance themed ones and acting that nothing is wrong... As for my part I’ll just ignore the marriage part, like it didn’t happen at all because it will just make me uncomfortable.

    Min December 29, 2023 6:07 am
    My takes on this subject will be very nuanced, so I hope I was able to get my points across, with the least contradiction I could get, adding that my english is not the best. First of all, not ALL romance ruins... welfare

    i wish there was a to quote directly on mangago oh my god. this became SO long again anyways,
    "First of all, not ALL romance ruins a story", true. i was exaggerating since i was really annoyed. i understand not actually all romance ruins a story. but like you said, this story is an action story, it doesn't NEED a romance. and any romance we would get would only at best stagnate the plot. which is why i always make sure to see any comments mentioning if there's any romance in a story i'm going to read and if there is, i don't read it. so imagine my incredible frustration at seeing romance or god forbid, harem starting to bloom.
    "..they have no choice but to depict what is reality" i disagree. the author doesn't *have* to do anything. no one is forcing the author to be historically accurate, since you know it's a tower x murim manhwa. no one reads tower climbing manhwas for their historical accuracy. but i also understand the author can choose to write it if they wish. my issue with the little underage girl being a marriage/romantic prospect for our MC who *we* know is in his mid/late 20s, is that it's not written to be historically accurate. 1/2

    Min December 29, 2023 6:07 am
    My takes on this subject will be very nuanced, so I hope I was able to get my points across, with the least contradiction I could get, adding that my english is not the best. First of all, not ALL romance ruins... welfare

    what i mean by that is, if the other characters around MC were like "isn't she pretty? you oughta marry her and get settled down!" i wouldn't have minded. i would've immediately understood these people are written to be products of their own time. what i would have expected from any sane MC is something like "dude, she's 17. way too young to be married, especially to me!!!!" but that's not what happens. the young, naive child confesses to MC and instead of our MC rejecting her straight up, he starts blushing and mumbling and *not* rejecting her. what's worse is even HE acknowledges that this girl is younger than his actual younger sister back home. so WHY are you so attracted to/shy about this child confessing to you? i'll tell you why. it's because this whole "little girl is interested in marrying this older man" trope isn't here for any historical accuracy like you're trying to claim, it's there because the author genuinely believes this is what romance is about. if there was any romance with her (thank god there hasn't been. yet) it would've been presented as something very cute and adorable instead of nauseating.
    you can say child marriage is there to be historically accurate. except the MC isn't from murim world, he is from modern world where you can get jailed for trying to get it on with a minor. all of this is nothing but the author's personal gross ideas coming through. i hadn't caught up w/ the manhwa when i wrote my original comment, but i have caught up now and am happy to see there's no more romance with the brown hair girl for now. you and i both seem to have the same ideas, but you're giving the author way too much credit lol. i hope i was able to make myself clear with this hugeas essay i wrote. 2/2

    welfare December 29, 2023 8:41 am
    i wish there was a to quote directly on mangago oh my god. this became SO long again anyways,"First of all, not ALL romance ruins a story", true. i was exaggerating since i was really annoyed. i understand not... Min

    You are right I should have warned you because I myself wasn’t aware of how long my comment was. Anyway, for the fist part, I still think we can depict reality in a pure fictional world, changing nothing or not, adding that to a certain extent fiction is just a deformed reality. I don’t know if you understand what I really mean by this. However for the rest of my essay, everything fell apart aknowledging that MC is from the modern era, which makes my takes ultimately wrong. At some point I just forgot where this guy was coming from, so I am standing with your original comment, I am sorry for wasting your time