Mc was boring and useless, actually he didn’t even feel like a main character instead hi...

Once_upon_a_shadow December 16, 2023 6:31 am

Mc was boring and useless, actually he didn’t even feel like a main character instead his brother was the actual broken boy.

    Shinpark February 10, 2024 10:06 pm

    You mean yoon right i also don't like his role brainless typo.

    Once_upon_a_shadow February 11, 2024 12:50 am
    You mean yoon right i also don't like his role brainless typo. Shinpark


    Shinpark February 11, 2024 6:36 am

    At least sehwan taejoo make couple better.

    Vero_Gx March 18, 2024 10:58 pm

    Exactly!!!!! Hayoon was so damn useless.

    Foxy March 20, 2024 3:43 pm

    EXACUSe ME before u say something useless he was Raped from his step dad and his dad was murdered before his very eyes he was strong enough to still live and go on until the end u guys are just sick in the head

    Once_upon_a_shadow March 20, 2024 10:50 pm
    EXACUSe ME before u say something useless he was Raped from his step dad and his dad was murdered before his very eyes he was strong enough to still live and go on until the end u guys are just sick in the head Foxy

    Hayoon absolutely did not feel like an mc because he was just there while everything was happening around him eg problems being solved or created he was not a compelling character at all.

    Foxy March 21, 2024 9:38 am
    Hayoon absolutely did not feel like an mc because he was just there while everything was happening around him eg problems being solved or created he was not a compelling character at all. Once_upon_a_shadow

    What u want him to do ??? He was just a student how had no power before that he used to sell his body since he was kid his step dad used to abuse him, his mother was lying in death bed the brother whom he trusted never helped him and the person whom he thought he could trust manipulated , Raped him and made him drug taejoo but when he got to know the truth isn't he the one who used his body to stop sehwan and saved taejoo causes of him taejoo stopped being a coward , he did a lot of things but just never went the way he wanted for me his character was portrayed really really well u may agree or not but his character was really strong