FR! He had me feeling bad for him with those tears because he basically the “tough bad boy” that rarely shows emotions so when he shows emotions and was crying mad hard to her death it had me questioning my beliefs for a second until i remembered what he did and then i went back down the path of singing “let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die!”

If you think about it from his viewpoint, his childhood best friend who he does care about (at least that what we are made to believe that he cares) was murdered so it’s not surprising that he cried the thing is that us as the audience don’t have to care and shouldn’t care because we know he a bully and a murderer. So him crying doesn’t change our judgment because of his actions and behavior.
If he wasn’t a murderer but just a typical bad boy bully (like the ones you see in romance mangas) crying about his dead friend half of people in this comment section would change their mind and talk about how “misunderstood” he is and making up scenarios by trying to justify his actions about how he only a bully because “no one understands him” or “cares” about him enough like his friends does.
Especially if it was a yaoi manga, they would DEFINITELY try to justify his actions
damn him crying actually made me feel bad for a moment until i remembered they literally killed someone lmao