why does clough have so much beef with aeroc bro chill 💀💀

misterchan December 15, 2023 11:12 pm

why does clough have so much beef with aeroc bro chill

    JustCallMeApple December 17, 2023 8:17 am
    This is very sad.I'm telling you that at the beginning of the manhwa I didn't have that much sympathy for Arok, since Arok was out of jealousy, for not accepting that for whatever reason the brown-haired guy w... angel5

    He really suffered. It went too far. And reading vol 1-5 all I can say is that Klopp was really the monster of this sad story.

    In the third line, Aelock doesn’t have any memories or dreams about the first life. He didn’t fall in love with Klopp, because Klopp screams and assaults him at their first meeting (thinking it was hell.) but yes Aelock did turn eventually into a omega. In volume 5 they explained why Aelock was bound to turn into a omega…