"So I you don't..."

Meru21 December 15, 2023 10:11 pm

"So if you don't punch me, then what I'm doing is okay".... omg. He's totally gonna do something. I'm betting he had a thing for Heechan in hs, but it was fleeting. I can't wait to see Minjae make a move! Also, wtf, dude? You lost the bet!! Don't cheat your way out by sneaking away to laugh alone! Its a crime to deprive us of that smile!!!!

    eve December 16, 2023 2:39 am

    no fr he DEFINITELY had a thing for Heechan i’m willing to bet my life on this

    Lavender December 16, 2023 4:12 am
    no fr he DEFINITELY had a thing for Heechan i’m willing to bet my life on this eve

    lol definitely HAS a thing for Heechan, I don't think it ever went away

    idkidc December 16, 2023 5:51 am
    lol definitely HAS a thing for Heechan, I don't think it ever went away Lavender

    Facts. That look in the flashback episode where he caught Heechan looking at him my heart. That man had a HUGE thing for him and still does

    Meru21 December 16, 2023 6:20 am
    Facts. That look in the flashback episode where he caught Heechan looking at him my heart. That man had a HUGE thing for him and still does idkidc

    Ooo~ do share! Got a link?

    idkidc December 16, 2023 6:32 am
    Ooo~ do share! Got a link? Meru21

    It’s chapter 17!!! :)

    idkidc December 16, 2023 6:35 am
    Ooo~ do share! Got a link? Meru21

    First he looks at Heechan (because he liked him) and finds that Heechan is already looking at him! Heechan is basically like whatever and looks away but it shows a panel of Minjae still staring and finally looking away like “oh.. okay.”

    Meru21 December 16, 2023 9:45 am
    First he looks at Heechan (because he liked him) and finds that Heechan is already looking at him! Heechan is basically like whatever and looks away but it shows a panel of Minjae still staring and finally look... idkidc

    I wish I could agree, but I didn't interpret it that way. Heechan was looking first because Minjae was laughing and then Minjae looked over (probably because he felt that dry ass stare lol) and then they looked away at different times. While I do think minjae was was maybe crushing on him, I'd be surprised if it was a huge one. Seems more like he found him interesting because he never put on an act and was just himself and Minjae didn't feel he had that luxury. So I guess more like an admiration that developed into some shallow feelings and interest, but nothing heavy. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Deeznuts December 18, 2023 1:41 am
    I wish I could agree, but I didn't interpret it that way. Heechan was looking first because Minjae was laughing and then Minjae looked over (probably because he felt that dry ass stare lol) and then they looked... Meru21

    Nah he actually had a thing for heechan back in HS read the novel

    Meru21 December 18, 2023 1:44 am
    Nah he actually had a thing for heechan back in HS read the novel Deeznuts

    Really?! I would love to read the novel.