From my understanding,
LGBTQ+ is forbidden and being one is, and it's more inforced in the middle East where you hear how strict they are.
And watching porn/erotic things is also forbidden for certian BL.
However, in the Quran you're meant to treat those with respect and not try and change them. I remember there was a clip from a Muslim saying how he knew a man who was gay, who was a more directed Muslim then he was. ;;
Hopefully that makes sense!

Hi im muslim and yes it is forbidden.
And you also said that some people are being born gay.
The solution is that when a person is gay they should not speak about it or live out to
and if they marry they should marry the opposite gender of them ( gils+boy ),
Thats how they should do it.
If they it live it out is considert a sin.
Feel free to ask me anything that you want to know about muslims.
(sorry for my bad english)

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, which happens so correct me if I'm wrong. ;;
But not everyone is Muslim, so they don't believe in the whole 'Gay is a sin' and that's okay, as at the end. Only god, if real, can judge them.
If they don't believe in it. They should talk and live it out because it's their life, and they have no restrictions making it okay to them.

Can I ask where you saw that? (Not doubting you did but lowkey id read that) It's true that it's haram in Islam, you can still be gay tho, just without acting on it, same way you can't have straight sex out of marriage, only you can marry the same sex so the difference is it's not an option at all, it hurts but heyyy heaven am I right

I'm muslim too and I think people overcomplicate things most the time. There are a few things that I go by first you can tell what is right and what is wrong and the choice is yours only and no one can judge your actions except for god. Which to me is clearly enough to say its not anyone's place to shame someone for doing something that is considered a sin because one they already know they don'tneed you to tell them and two in the end what we know of wromg is for a good part what we interpreted ourself from the coran and our understanding is very lacking. Second many times throughout the coran it is said that one thing on its own does not define how good or bad you are how deserving or not you are to be in paradise and many examples are given of that. Which really just makes me think we should focus on what we can do right instead of what we did wrong already or what we cannot change. Lastly in every single thing you do what matters the most is your intention and only god can know your intentions therefore only god can judge if it's right or wrong. I'm gay and I don't have any bad intentions I never even chose to be gay and god knows how hard it was to accept I don't tolerate anyone saying you can't be a muslim just because you are gay. Sooo in my opinion we should just do as much good as we can and it's up to god to decide for the rest gay or not I'm sure there are many far worse things to do and many very good things we can put our efforts and energy into
Why some people comment " he's a muslim he can't be gay or the author is a muslim she can't draw bl" like do muslim have a magic barrier in them that prevents them from being gay? Being gay is born with it