
no i think about it all the time about how he was a sugar daddy with prostitutes every other night omgggg. it's like insane bc MC was a self-proclaimed WOMANIZER in his rickety brittle bones even on his deathbed. and it's like crazy bc he wanted to corrupt the first 2 friends he made to be forever loyal to him via women when tbh they're straight up his pets not because they wanna get with women, but because they wanna get with HIM. like they're not barking for women, theyre YOUR dogs now. it's like crazy bc if he ever dates anyone in this storyline, he's like 4x age LOL
imma be so real, i LOVE tang seryoung, AND i don't think she's romantically interested in MC, she's just stupid and will say whatever she wants to get what she wants and i love that. she's legit one of my favorite characters like the way she's sometimes unintentionally helpful and everyone including herself seems shocked like ??? token smart-dumbass character in one and i think that's hilarious. people call her annoying but like after the first couple chapter of her introduction she's so fucking funny ??? like bruh when mc called her a cow i legit died. like be fr, all the dudes at first were just like her: introduced in a manner that should be antagonistic or annoying towards the MC who clearly doesn't want them there, and then ends up showing insane love/attachment towards him and MC STILL feels annoyed at them.
and i like how tang seryoung seems to like MC because she's having fun, not because she likes him romantically? like when shit hits the fan she comes back for him because she's a person who repays her debt, she's stubborn as fuck, and because of her pride and ego. like in those moments she doesn't even make jokes about romance or about saving him, she's just doing it because she's naturally stubborn asf and hates listening to people, she's like a legit shounen protagonist like you could flip her gender and put her in something like One Piece and EVERYONE would love her. like she jokes about romance or sleeping w MC but those are resolved pretty quickly, and it's funny bc nobody takes her seriously except for MC's legion of dumbasses who are obsessed with him (in a funny way), and everyone thinks she's full of shit and that's just hilarious. like even when those "romantic" scenes come in, she doesn't do the shit that female leads of a romance novel would do. she just cracks jokes, acts overdramatic that nobody not even MC can take her seriously, and acts so fucking annoying that she's straight-man comedy. like she doesn't even act like this on purpose to make things less awkward but just bc her personality is built like that, so she naturally makes any romantic aspect of it falls flat and i think that's GREAT. like i genuinely believe she doesn't seem to actually romantically like him so far, even after everything, and instead is just kinda saying a bunch of bullshit just to get what she wants LMAOOO.
lowkey like i think yall just hate tang seryoung cuz she's a girl. bc she's not even in that phase of liking him the way that all the dudes lust over him u know. bc legit the entire wudang sect is a clingy-ass fanclub for MC and yet yall think it's funny or cute, while tang seryoung is just a legit feral dumpster raccoon who doesn't discriminate against who she decides to shit on and yall think she's annoying bc she might romantically like MC just bc she's a girl, when fr MC's male friends are THIS close to kissing him on the lips.